The NEW NEWS FOR THE SOUL RADIO NETWORK Begins its 18th year in 2015 with a whole new website!

Last Update: June 7, 2015 at 10:41 am

Our quantum leap: January 2015 marked the start of our 18th year broadcasting empowering media in our world. Our site and systems need to grow with us and it’s all happening now.

We’re took a quantum leap forward to celebrate our success and sustainability ….and you have not seen anything yet! To celebrate, your network host Nicole Marie Whitney scheduled a special series of life changing interviews on “THE NEW NFTS” including the following:

Neale Donald Walsch
James Arthur Ray
Dee Wallace
Uri Geller..
Remote Viewer David Morehouse..
Dr Bruce LiptonJohn Holland
Gregg Braden..
Physicist Tom CampbellTom Campbell
Jo Dunning..
Dannion BrinkleyUri Geller
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer..
ADAM The DreamHealerDavid Morehouse
Bashar / Darryl Anka..
Anne Marie EversGregg Braden

And more – stay tuned!