Last Update: May 15, 2019 at 12:06 pm

DATE:  May 15, 2019




By Dr Holly heard Wednesdays at noon pacific on NFTS:


Wednesdays at NOON PST  / 3PM EST – The Whole Health Initiative with Dr Holly   – An NFTS Global Luminary  broadcasting from Canada since March 2014 –   Dr Holly is a Doctor of Natural Medicine, a scientist, a professional speaker, an author of Cancer: Why what you don’t know about your treatment could harm you and 12 other books and a practitioner.  As a Doctor of Natural Medicine with 7 degrees & 3 designations in a wide range of healing modalities and 20 years experience, she can assist you in identifying and understanding your path to health. She can identify your underlying life themes, coping mechanisms, value systems and defense mechanisms to understanding the physiology and biochemistry and energy patterns of your body.  She has a mobile health clinic that comes to your door and can assess 1000s of variables in front of you AND create a protocol unique to you.  In addition, she provides consultation for physicians and clients around the world.



What you should know about EBV

EBV has been in the news a lot lately. Lets find out about it.

EBV is an acronym for Epstein Barr Virus. It belongs to the herpes family and identified as human herpesvirus 4 aka HHV-4.

There are 8 types of herpes that can infect humans:

  • Herpes simplex viruses1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2, also known as HHV1 and HHV2) – an oral or sexually transmitted herpes; STD
  • Varicella-zoster virus(VZV, which may also be called by its ICTV name, HHV-3; expresses as chickenpox and shingles
  • Epstein–Barr virus(EBV or HHV-4) – associated with:
    • lymphoproliferative disease including pre-malignant and malignant disease
    • Sever mosquito allergy reaction
    • Reactive lymphoid hypeplasia
    • Infectious mono
    • Burkitts lymphoma
    • Hodgkin lymphoma
    • NK/T cell lymphoma
    • NK leukemia
    • And others in AIDS patients 3[i]
  • Human cytomegalovirus(HCMV or CNV or HHV-5) – creates a mono like profile of symptoms
  • Human herpesvirus 6A and 6B (HHV-6A or Roseolovirus or Herpes lymphotropic virus)
  • HHV – 7 effects T cells
  • Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus – HHV – 8

EBV or HHV-4 is one of the most common viruses in the world, although it wasn’t generally recognized till the 1980’s. When laboratories do a random scan on all the blood tests that come in, between 98-100% of the blood samples have EBV. It is suggested that in the US, 95% of adults between 35 and 40 years of age have been infected.

Herpes viruses tend to down regulate aka decrease the MHC aka major histocompatibility complex on the membrane of cells with nuclei. MHC complexes tell the immune system that there is a pathogen. Without this information, the immune system cannot function effectively. Consequently, if the herpes virus decreases the MHC then the body is more susceptible to other issues, like mononucleosis.

EBV is one of the herpes family of viruses. The same family that causes chickenpox. Thankfully, for most people, about 90%, once infected, the virus usually remains dormant.

However, less that 40% of the population have any symptoms. So let’s find out about the symptoms.

  • Symptoms usually disappear in 2-4 weeks
    1. Although some may feel fatigued for several weeks or months after
  • EBV can cause mono aka mononucleosis – which is transmitted through slavia, thus appropriately named the ‘kissing disease’ – although sharing toothbrushes or cups or utensils can spread it as well
    1. If we are infected as children, it usually remains harmless, but teens or adults we feel fatigued with cold like symptoms
    2. If infected during the teens it will provoke mono between 35% – 50% of the time
  • EBV can express in the vaginal tract or in the cervical area or on the penis.
  • Reactivation of the virus can provoke diseases like shingles and pityriasis rosea
  • EBV is also linked to an increased risk for various auto-immune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis and MS or multiple sclerosis (may play a role in the demyelination of the nerves and/or the accumulation of the EBV in the B lymphocytes that cause inflammation and nerve damage in the brain1[ii]). As noted above this is because of the decrease in MHC complexes
  • Another study shows that there are higher levels of EBV in patients with schizophrenia 2[iii]

The important thing to remember is that for the vast number of people EBV remains dormant in the body. People who already have compromised immune systems are the ones that usually suffer any symptoms, ie., people who have AIDs.

In esscence there is a similarity between the herpes virus and cancer. We produce about a million cancer cells a day, but a healthy immune system keeps that in check. Likewise with the EBV, most of us have it but a healthy immune system keeps it in check.

So the next question is: how do we create a healthy immune system?

We know that most of our immune system is in our gut. So we want to look at foods that provoke a healthy immune system:

  • Probiotics
    1. Kefir
    2. Yogurt without sugar
    3. Cabbage family of foods
      1. Cabbage
      2. Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  1. Fermented and pickled foods
  2. kombucha
  • cabbage family – not only for the probiotics but:
    1. high in vit C
  • pepper family
    1. high in vit C, especially red peppers
    2. beta-carotene – great anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory
  • spinach family – best when raw
    1. high in Vit C
    2. anti-oxidants
    3. beta-carotene
  • fruits
    1. especially berries – good vitamins and anti-oxidants and phytocompounds
      1. raspberries, blueberries (high in pterostilbene), blackberries – be careful with the strawberries
    2. citrus furits – grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes
    3. apples – high in anti-oxidants, quercetin which helps regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation; vit C and K as well as A, B1, B2, B6 and E; polyphenols/flavonoids , healthy fiber both soluble and non-soluble; probiotics, and preserve neurotransmitters in the brain, i.e., acetylcholine
  • oils
    1. coconut oil with the lauric acid

in addition to the foods, we can also work with herbs and spices:

  • turmeric – anti everything
  • garlic family (onions, leeks, shallots, etc) ranks only second to turmeric
  1. garlic: helps the production of glutathione; helps boosts white blood cells
  2. anti-oxidants
  3. allicin in garlic is antimicrobial
  4. helps regulate blood glucose levels
  • Ginger- from the turmeric family; anti-inflammatory like aspirin; anti-microbial; also improves digestion
  • Cinnamon – anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial;
    1. Cloves – anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
    2. Nutmeg –
  • Cayenne – anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant; the capsaicin (pain inhibitor)
  • Oregano – anti-microbial especially upper respiratory; anti-oxidant
  • Rosemary – anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory; increase circulation and improve both digestion and cognitive functioning

in addition to the foods we ingest, there are other sources that are good for the immune system, like essential oils:

  • lavender
  • frankincense
  • sweet orange
  • clary sage
  • roman chamomile

other options that help increase immune system:

  • acupuncture –
    1. ST36 – a hand length below the kneecap, slightly lateral
    2. K27 just below the collar bone
    3. CV6 & 17 – on the sternum just above the nipple area
    4. LI11 – between the thumb and forefinger
  • reflexology
  • walking


1 [ii]

[iii] 2


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1 [1]

[1] 2


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