News for the Soul

About News for the Soul

News for the Soul – Intuition, Empowerment, Enlightenment, Inspiration & Beyond

NEWS FOR THE SOUL is Life Changing Talk Radio from the Uplifting to the Unexplained.

NFTS was launched in January 1997 as a positive news newspaper in the Vancouver, B.C. area in January 1997 by journalist Nicole Whitney.



Over the years, NFTS evolved into the NFTS RADIO NETWORK exploring what’s really real and what’s really possible with interviews featuring luminaries in the consciousness field and new bright lights from around the world.

Find all of todays NFTS show listings here:


It all began in January 1997 FOUNDED by:


NEWS FOR THE SOUL: Life Changing Talk Radio From The Uplifting to the Unexplained Since January 1997


The News for the Soul Core Values:

Creating a Community of Openness,

Inspiration, Education,

Integrity, Respect, Trust,

Unconditional Gratitude, Love

& Empowering Growth & Exploration.


news for the soul
After an ‘extraordinary event’ documented here, Nicole launched NFTS originally as a ‘positive news newspaper’ in West Vancouver BC Canada in January 1997.  Over its first four years in print, Nicole’s paper featured columnists like T Harv Eker (peak potentials) Dr Anne Marie Evers (the Affirmations “Dr”) and many more.  Nicoles’ combination of newspaper,  morning networking meetings and epic 12 Speaker live events eventually evolved into a live radio platform launching throughout BC Canada in 2001.


With ‘famous dead guy’ Dannion Brinkley [Saved by the Light] nestled firmly in the co host seat for the first 2 years on 1410AM CFUN RADIO, Nicole began interviewing leading edge ‘conscious celebrities’ and new thought leaders like Mark Victor Hansen, Dee Wallace (ET, The Howling), IronE Singleton (The Walking Dead), Robert Allen, Stuart Wilde, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, David Morehouse, Dr Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson, Bashar, Cleve Backster, James and Sally Redfield, Jorge Luis Delgado, James Twyman, Joe Vitale, Carolyn Myss, John Kehoe, Neale Donald Walsh, Uri Geller, John Assaraf, Sark, Don Miguel Ruiz,  Russel Targ, David Icke, Credo Mutwa, Mellen Thomas Benedict, Larry Dossey, Dr Raymond Moody, Dr Hew Len, Dannion Brinkley Eric Pearl, Helene Hadsell, Stanton Freidman and many, many more.


By 2003, NFTS branched out into US radio stations and beyond.


In recent years, NFTS went from being “Nicole’s Show’‘ to a network featuring hosts from around the world, brought together to serve humanity in their own unique ways.   As of 2015, NFTS began its 18th year in broadcasting, heard 7 days a week in over 200 countries around the world.


NFTS  REPORTING FROM THE LEADING EDGE OF HUMANITY’S CONSCIOUSNESS EVOLUTION SINCE JANUARY 1997 … We are syndicated on the AIR, on the WEB … and beyond!   … because what you focus on expands …
News for the Soul is heard online and around the world.



Some of the places

News for the Soul

is syndicated on:


Find us by searching for ‘News for the Soul’ on Aha Radio here:

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