Intuitive Natural Healing with Intuitive Natural Healing

Intuitive Natural Healing - Amy Loughmiller April 10/15

April 10/15

Intuitive Natural Healilng with Amy Loughmiller – Alternate Fridays at 1pm PST starting Feb Friday 13th, 2015… BASED IN USA – As a Wellness Coach Amy works with clients all over the world, several who have been treated at leading medical facilities and by top specialist who have seemingly “Tried Everything”.  Her work with each client is as unique as they are.   Using her gifts of Intuition, Clair-sentient, Clair-cognition, she leads them on their journey of healing in the Mind Body,  Amy breaks the patterns of emotion held within your body by bringing awareness to what your body is holding onto using a combination of energy healing modalities and intuitively blending them to your body propriety as she listens with love and understanding to the body and mind.  Using the following modalities of Reflexology, Craniosacral Therapy, Acupressure Emotion Release Therapy, Envision Hypnosis,then enhancing body healing with  Bach Flower Essences, Aromatherapy, Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies.  Certified Dream Builder Coach, Speaker, with Life Mastery Institute the premier institute of transformational coaching. Amy is continually learning about our amazing bodies and truly loves to share as well as teach. She lives here in the Magic Valley with her family. And she loves to make natural remedies for healing.

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