Awakening Divine Connections with Awakening Divine Connections

Awakening Divine Connections - “Awakening Divine Connections”  August 20/22 TODAY:  “Sometimes We Must Choose”

August 20, 2022
with David and Debra

10am pacific


Join David and Debra on their Awakening Divine Connections” show on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 am pacific

TODAY:  “Sometimes We Must Choose”


 “The more we exercise our Divinely guided Intuition, the greater each next-step of our life’s unfoldment will be.”

Our mission is to help you find and connect with your spiritual nature and Divine essence so that you may be directly guided in your own spiritual life – to find what is true for you and your relationship to the Divine.  We use the word Divine to describe any aspect of what people call God, whether that be The Father, The Mother, Yahweh, Buddha, Allah, Brahman and so on.  Awakening Divine Connections radio show is a diverse program that includes Talks, Q & A Sessions, Intuitive Readings, Sound Showers/Healing, Meditations and Guest Speakers.  Additional content will be added as we are guided and grow.

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