Bridging Realms with Bridging Realms

Bridging Realms - Bridging Realms with Becca – March 27/24

March 27, 2024
with Becca Hunnicutt

2pm pacific:

Bridging Realms with Becca Hunnicutt on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 2pm Pacific starting September 8th, 2021.

Hi I’m Becca Hunnicutt. I specialize in transforming trauma by healing shadow. I came to this work through my own experience of abuse at an early age. The PTSD and hypersensitivity that developed to create safety in me also created a connection to the unseen world. This both terrified me and offered me unconditional love. It saved my Spirit, my fire and those places in my Soul that I felt sometimes I’d lost.

It is through these gifts that my work in healing began and expanded. My education in this work comes from my studies…but honestly, 75% of it comes from Spirit: It’s how I hear, see and follow the unseen. Because of the abuse, my psyche split and when that happened, I’d go off to play in the unseen realms. My spirit soared and I was loved and cared for while my body was experiencing something else. This is where my gifts grew and were nurtured, and where I came to trust implicitly in the Spirit World and the support and guidance it gives me.  

Spirit taught me how to trust myself and how to trust in what I see and hear that is mystical. It taught me how to come back to my own safety, and how to notice when soul truth and human expression are not in alignment. My goal is to get that alignment back for my clients. I am honored to bring this work to the world and to help use my gifts and experience to help so many others who are just like me.   VIEW PROFILE >

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