Eyes Wide Open with Janessa & SJ

Eyes Wide Open - Eyes Wide Open with Janessa & SJ on NFTS July 5/23: TODAY:  ‘Strawman’. 

July 4/23
with Janessa & SJ

3pm pacific:


Eyes Wide Open with Janessa & SJ on Wednesdays at 3pm pacific

TODAY:  'Strawman'. 

Strawman means 'cover for questionable activity', and this is all the things people have never been told about money, themselves, taxes, debt, and loans.  

We are multifaceted beings living in a multidimensional existence. We hold the power of perception, and this power alone paints our reality.  Perception influences the things we see and the things we don’t see.  Together we’ll explore the mystical & the material, The metaphysical & the physical, the supernatural & the concrete, the seen & the unseen.  VIEW PROFILE >>

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