Healing Embrace on the 4th Wednesday of the Month at 4pm pst starting May 26th, 2021
About Linda:
Linda has worked in the complementary health field for over 25 years. As a trained nurse, remedial massage therapist, Journey therapist and healer in Reiki, Spiritual healing and Reconnective healing she brings a wealth of expertise to her practice. As a Wellness Advocate Linda’s session go deeper with the use of pure essential oils for your wellness and vitality needs. Linda’s intuitive empathic skills allows her to work on multi-dimensional levels. She is a medium for light language from Source where high frequency beings of love and light come through to bring you expansive, beautiful and loving energy to assist with your soul’s journey here on Earth. Being connected to your soul is vitally important for your whole health and wellbeing. It is your divine spark, your light within connected to Source from which all life and creative force emanates from. Imagine trying to shine without being connected to your light? It just wouldn’t work very well. You’d be like a flower trying to grow without access to the life force from which you come from like rain, sunlight and the earth to anchor and feed your being. You’d probably feel lost and alone, fragmented and struggle to find your way. At Healing Embrace I welcome you into your beauty and light so that you may blossom into your full potential and beautiful soul light that you truly are. SEE PROFILE >