Conversations with Plants with Conversations with Plants

Conversations with Plants - Hygeia Healing – Conversations with Plants with Gloria Terry – Conversation With Potted Ficus Tree: Plants Have Memories

January 28, 2021
with Gloria Terry

noon pacific:


Hygeia Healing - Conversations with Plants with Gloria Terry on Alternate Thursdays at noon pst

  • Topic: Conversation With Potted Ficus Tree: Plants Have Memories.
  • Introduction: Plants are thought as brainless, therefore not intelligent, anything without a brain cannot retain memories.  Apart from the experimentations carried out on plants ability to make and retain memories, the spirit of plants has lived longer than we can experiment, at least, at this time of our development. They are part of earth elements, connected to the soil of the land and the light of the sun, they also have water, water molecules hold memories, and they have oxygen, one of the components of the element of air. I am not surprised as to how much memories plants - a collective vibrational consciousness - hold.
Gloria is a certified Quantum Touch® Practitioner and Reiki master, a Quantum healing modalities she has used for self-healing from pains and emotional attachment to people and the environment. She uses it now to assist in the healing process of clients, animals and plants.

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