Soul Talk - INside-OWT Healing with Summer on NFTS July 4/23 TODAY: Soul-Level Healing and Mastering Fear.
July 4/23
with Summer
1pm pacific
INside-OWT Healing with Summer on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 1PM PACIFIC
TODAY: Soul-Level Healing and Mastering Fear.
Summer helps people with chronic or complex conditions heal when nothing else works. She is known for her empowered self-healing approach and has been witness to some profound, and what many would call, ‘miraculous’ healing for herself and many others in the last 22 years. Her simple, natural 5-step process INside-OWT combines her knowledge of Universal Law & mind-body medicine for soul-level healing.
Her Soul-talk show is for those soul-Searchers and self-Healers who want to master their fear and step into radical response-ability within a community of life-long learners.
Summer believes we are in a time of collective, conscious healing. The age of Aquarius is a paradigm shift from what she calls the Fight, Force and Fix paradigm to one of courage and the knowledge that Miracles and Magic are REAL and not something out of the ordinary anymore.
She runs her Soul-Truth Discovery Academy where soul searchers and Self-Healers learn Mind-Body Medicine and Soul-Level Healing for the next stage of our evolution.
SUMMER’S NFTS PROFILE: Summer Bozohora | (