Lifewise with Lifewise

Lifewise - Lifewise with Joff :: TODAY:  Linguistic Evolutionary Laurel Airica, creator of WordMagic Global

June 18, 2020
with Joff Talbot

2pm pacific:

TODAYS GUEST:  Laurel Airica. 

‘Linguistic Evolutionary Laurel Airica is the creator of WordMagic Global: WordPlay That Unravels Mass Hypnosis and Elevates the Frequency of Consciousness. Laurel’s WordMagic is a mind-bending, paradigm-shifting re-introduction to the English language that brings to light the ‘hidden’ philosophy in puns and the symbols of the alphabet. By revealing the Secret Spells of the English Language with witch we write our own Life Sentences, and the Sacred PathWords pointing toward our liberation, Laurel shows in verse and prose how young and old around the globe can collectively, creatively, and quite rapidly Take Command of the English Language and upgrade it to facilitate our essential evolution from humankind to HumanKindness.’ Lifewise with Joff on the 3RD  Thursday of the month at 2pm pacific starting October 17, 2019 – Following a personal energetic/spiritual(?) shift/adjustment in late 2013 I was ‘encouraged’ into a world of learning I felt but knew little about.  Following this ‘shift’ I was propelled into a world of metaphysics, the worlds of the weird and wonderful – seen and unseen, sound, light, vibration, self-betterment and the quest for balance of the Spiritual, Emotional and Physical.  Following many years of investigation and working with people I have blended this learning into an effective delivery of projects and support for people in need of all manner of healing. 20+ years delivering various holistic modalities of which I still offerand alongside an interest in the ‘wholistic’ approach to life I have always been one for balance.  I followed subtle guidance (and some not so subtle) which felt positive and lead me to traditional, some might say ‘alternative’ worlds of healing/medicine, metaphysics, the esoteric and advanced ancient wisdom, alongside new science where necessary.  This has repeatedly challenged and changed my ideas of how life can be…and not just for me, why not for all?  The journey of everyone.  We have the tools – who’s teaching us to use them? The importance of the raising of the collective vibration (our human experience) through conscious awareness, discernment and personal commitment to vastly improve is required to step into the light and create a world we look at and love – not wince at.  It’s all there.  Our personal spheres are in constant interaction with others, therefore your vibration matters. I have created a what seems a welcomed model of supporting people to re-discover innate skills and abilities to help move forward from many of life’s blockages. Lifewise has evolved with the supreme guidance, teachers, support and feedback from the people worked with throughout the years, providing valuable feedback leading to the confidence in the content and delivery.  The Collective.

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