Normal Chick Who Channels with Normal Chick Who Channels

Normal Chick Who Channels - Maureen Becker Dec-13-2018 Authentic Relationships – call with Ammla

Dec 13, 2018
with Maureen Becker

11am pacific:

TODAY:   Authentic Relationships - call with Ammla 

“Just a Normal Chick Who Channels” with Maureen Becker – ALTERNATE THURSDAYS 11AM PST / 2PM EST ON NFTS  – An NFTS Consciousness Warrior broadcasting from Canada since January 14, 2016 – Maureen Becker channels angels and spirit guides who offer you the tools you need to create an empowered life. She uses a unique “integrated” channeling style. The Guides meld with Maureen to the degree where she does not have to channel them ‘full channel’ but instead can channel their energies with her personality in place.  When Maureen first channeled, she was unable to ‘integrate’ like this, but over the eight years, SAM has taught her the ability to convey this channeled guidance in a personable, interesting, tell-it-like-it-is way so that these messages can reach more people and be easy to understand.

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