Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin Ehlke

Sacred Sound Surprises - Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – July 2nd, 2019

July 2, 2019
with Meilin

noon pacific:

[1st & 3rd TUESDAYS]

Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – On the 1st  & 3rd Tuesdays of the Month at Noon PST / 3PM EST with Medium and Healer Meilin Ehlke –   – An NFTS Global Luminary broadcasting from Germany since November 2014 – Meilin Ehlke, world-renowned artist and healer, guides visionaries and thought leaders from around the world to bloom into their beauty. For ten years, she has helped others to feel whole, rejuvenated, and empowered to seek their chosen path in happiness and truth. Because of Meilin’s ability to facilitate physical change into an expanded state, her clients feel receptive to what is offered and sustained by their specific universal wisdom. Her astounding ability to connect with the source wisdom is what helps others flourish into their true-selves. Her healer side loves to live in the moment, embracing the surprises on her adventures through life. It is in the unfolding mystery of each day where Meilin embodies herself fully – expanded into divine essence.

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