SolePath with SolePath

SolePath - Sole Path Rev Deneen & Dr Debra on NFTS Dec-18-2018TODAY: ‘SolePath and Qigong’ with Mario Argento

Dec 18, 2018
with Rev Deneen & Dr Debra

10am pacific:

TODAY:  ‘SolePath and Qigong’.   Todays guest:  Mario Argento

Sole Path with Rev Deneen & Dr Debra on NFTS on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9am PST  – An NFTS Messenger of Light broadcasting from Canada since September 11th, 2018 –  SolePath is your soul ID. At the Calgary SolePath Institute we measure your energetics and give you your best lifehack ever, your SolePath. When you know your SolePath you can be who you dreamed you’d be and who the world needs you to be. Your SolePath helps you find your role so that you can make a difference because as Plato said “ there is a place that you are to fill and no one else can fill; something that you are to do, which no one else can do. ” Your SolePath is a braid of two LightPaths and one DarkPath. Your LightPaths are expanding energy and provide direction for knowing your life’s purpose; your DarkPath is collapsed energy and provides contrast for personal growth. Knowing your SolePath is priceless but you pay only what you feel able to give. The SolePath Institute vision is for everyone to know their SolePath and that is why all SolePath readings are by donation. “SolePath is who you are born to be. It is your guide to a beautiful life, filled with happiness, peace, joy, love, purpose and meaning. When you know your SolePath, you can navigate the pitfalls and those things that trip you up in your life, and connect with your unique, personal, individual gifts and greatness.” Dr.Debra … Let’s talk about energy and about purpose; let’s share experiences for being happier and living with joy; let’s learn how to cope with life’s challenges.

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