The Wizard with The Wizard
The Wizard - THE WIZARD Tien New Eamas on NFTS Dec. 9th, 2015
Dec 9/15
with Tien Neo Eamas
Alternate Wednesdays 11AM PST – THE WIZARD with Tien Neo Eamas – BASED IN CANADA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE JUNE 2014 – Tien Neo Eamas is a modern-day wizard. Born in Singapore, Tien is a multi talented artist, coach and visionary. He is a transgendered man and envisions a world where humans are free from all constraints, especially that of gender. After challenging years, Tien was suicidal. He chose to live. Tien’s life completely transformed and the Wizard was born. Now Tien brings light, love, wisdom, playfulness and magick to everything he does. Whether he is smithing in silver or gold, concocting spells, coaching people, providing his Feng Shui expertise, performing in his favourite characters, or selling his art and magick, Tien exudes brilliant joyful light and his brand of powerful wisdom touches and moves all who meet him.