Transforming Relationships with Transforming Relationships

Transforming Relationships - Transforming Relationships with Prem Glidden – NFTS March-5-2018 – Conscious Breathing

March 5, 2018
with Prem Glidden

Transforming Relationships with Prem Glidden – Alternate Mondays at 10AM PACIFIC on NFTS Starting January 8, 2018 – Prem Glidden is a healer, transformative coach and teacher deeply committed to “being the change she wants to see in the world.” She is a powerful guide in supporting you to achieve your greatest possibilities in life and in love. Originally trained as a registered nurse, Prem is a Certified LifeLine Practitioner and a Sr. Calling in “the One” and Conscious Uncoupling Transformational Coach. Her work brings together her many years of experience as a healer and teacher of transformation. Combining practical ability with intuition and deep love and compassion, Prem will assist you in letting go of the painful patterns of the past, while offering the skills and capacities you need to create the loving and deeply caring relationships you have been yearning for.
    PRANAYAMA – Conscious Breathing – when you change the rhythm of your breath you begin to change unconscious behavioral patterns Sit with a straight spine – cross-legged or in a chair.  Palms are together at the center of the chest in Prayer Pose with thumbs gently pressed against the sternum, eyes are closed and focus at the brow point. Inhale through the nose in 4 equal parts (like sniffs).  Exhale in 4 equal parts  As you sniff, pull the naval point back towards the spine. Can practice for 3-5 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, press your palms together powerfully for 10 seconds while holding the breath, release and exhale. Relax for 15 – 20 seconds. Repeat sequence 2 more times. Take one last inhale, exhale, inhale deeply and stretch up and relax. This breath helps to overcome anxiety and confusion of the mind, helps to connect with a power greater than ourselves and positively affects our state of mind.  Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan and shared by Mukta Khalsa in her book Meditations for Addictive Behavior.

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