Air Date Description Audio
July 31/24 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
Physicist Tom Campbell attempts to teleport into NFTS Studios LIVE ON THE AIR

Meet Tom Campbell

A nuclear physicist who worked in the NASA systems risk analysis, Tom also championed for more than 50 years the drug-free research into altered states of consciousness. Through systematic exploration of his own consciousness, Tom was able to develop a scientific model of reality explaining how and why the physical world only exists in our minds. 

Guests: Tom Campbell
January 18/16 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
The News for the Soul PERU Mass Ufo Sighting – Audio !!
  In 2005, Nicole Marie Whitney ventured into 'the middle of no where" in central Peru along with former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse and a group of 20 fellow remote viewers representing a fairly mainstream cross section of people from doctors and military to business owners and authors alike. After a strange 'connection' experience, Nicole along with the entire group, witnessed a dramatic series of mass ufo sightings, the last of which she managed to get on film. This is the audio of that final sighting.
Guests: UFOs
January 27, 2022 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
CB FOR THE SOUL Amazing Highlights from The Freedom Convoy 2022 Movement! HEAR THEIR PROGRESS 1ST HAND JAN 27/22

CB FOR THE SOUL Amazing Highlights from The Freedom Convoy 2022 Movement! HEAR THEIR PROGRESS 1ST HAND JAN 27/22

  News for the Soul is airing DAILY highlight audios from the LIVE CB FEED of the Truckers Freedom Convoy!  Tune in for free 24/7  www.NewsfortheSoul.com  
Guests: Freedom Convoy 2022
July 22, 2014 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
Nicole Interviews Bruce Lipton 2014
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences. Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering. DR LIPTON'S NEW BOOK: The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Guests: Bruce Lipton
April 11, 2017 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
NFTS FOUNDER NICOLE MARIE WHITNEY INTERVIEWS GREGG BRADEN – Tuesday APRIL 11, 2017 at 10AM PST / 11AM MTN / 1PM EST – New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and the real world! Since 1986 Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today. His discoveries have led to 11 award-winning books published in 38 languages. In his compelling revised edition of his book The Turning Point, best-selling author and visionary Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to reveal the strategies for embracing stressful change in our lives. This updated edition contains an all-new chapter not included in the original release, featuring material on the surprising discovery of brain-like cells— sensory neurites —located within the human heart, and the role they play in creating personal resilience. The powerful heart-brain connection made possible by these cells is now recognized as a portal to the deepest levels of our intuition and heart-based intelligence as well as a gateway to the subconscious mind.  

TODAY:  Hear about Gregg's latest work, the 'brain cells' of the heart and why they are important and discover live and in the moment how you can track and affect the energy of the global community on planet earth right now.

Guests: Gregg Braden


Air Date Description Audio
Feb 13/25 ME Time with Victoria Enriquez
Feb 13/25 ME Time with Victoria – Meditation and soundbath..

4pm pacific:


ME Time with Victoria on the 2nd Wednesday at 1pm pacific

TODAY: Epic Soundbath & Meditation!

Victoria Enriquez is a nurturing, compassionate, positive voice to join the news for the soul family. She is an Arizona girl, currently living in Chandler and building her business MEditation TIME.  Victoria is a Reiki practitioner.  She is currently looking forward to becoming a Reiki Master. she is a certified sound healer and provides sound baths for couples and groups, as well as individuals.  She also provides a chakra balancing session with tuning forks.  Her energy is beautiful and the way she shares and heals the sense of well-being in others has proven insightful. Meditation is part of every session she provides. Come listen and enjoy.


Guests: Victoria Enriquez
Feb 13/25 Enlightenment In The City with Elle Tara
OPEN LINES free readings with Elle Feb 13/25

3pm pacific:


Call in for free intuitive readings with Elle  (646) 595 4274

Thursdays at 3PM PST /6PM EST – ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE CITY WITH Elle Tara – OPEN LINES TODAY – CALL IN FOR GUIDANCE & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING (646) 595 4274 – An NFTS Global Luminary broadcasting from Canada since July 2011 –Elle Tara is a public speaker and a spiritual teacher with many intense formal and “off the beaten path” trainings under her belt.  As an enlightenment columnist for over two years, she used humorous life lessons to connect and bring laughter to her readers.  Strong yet soft, compassionate with a heart, she lives the consciousness of being feminine with strength.  Elle tells it like it is and will dive into the truth about what people don’t like to talk about in the enlightenment realms.   SEE PROFILE >

Guests: Elle Hosho Tara
Feb 13/25 Starlight Transmissions with Anya
Starlight Transmissions with Anya Feb 13/25

noon pacific:


Starlight Transmissions with Anya on the 2nd Thursday of the month at noon pacific starting 12/12/24


Anya is a Multidimensional Medicine Carrier®, heart opener, international channel, speaker, author, and transformational guide. Deeply sensitive since childhood, a calling into the mystery as a spiritual explorer and healer catapulted her onto this path over 17 years ago.

Formerly a Washington, DC attorney with a science degree in psychology, Anya has a unique ability to bridge the practical and the esoteric. Her willingness and dedication to greater truths propelled her upon multiple odysseys that have fostered her ability to facilitate multidimensional healing and transformation through various modalities, as well as unique life experience.

Anya is a conversational and trance channel for The Council of the Central Sun, multidimensional and galactic beings, as well as myriad mystical, elemental, and nature beings. She also channels spirit guides, Ascended Masters, and light language. An ever-evolving adventure, she never knows who might come through to provide guidance.

Anya’s Profile:  Starlight Transmissions |

Guests: Anya
Feb 13/25 Connected Living with Brenda Davis-Matz
Connected Living with Brenda OPEN LINES Feb 13/25

11am pacific:


Connected Living with Brenda Davis-Matz at 4PM Pacific on Alternate Thursdays starting April 22nd, 2021:

About Brenda Davis-Matz

Practitioner of Energy Medicine

Light Language Channel

Reiki Master

Doterra Wellness Advocate

Outdoors Woman

Brenda also known as Two Feathers, is a Multi-Dimensional Shaman. Her intuitive skills are comprised of abilities both natural and developed. She works as an energy healer, light language channel, artist and outdoors woman. She utilizes these abilities to work with people, animals and nature, assisting on the journey of  Connected Living.  Brenda had intermittent psychic experiences as a child, however, her intuitive abilities were completely unlocked in the 90s as a result of some very difficult life experiences in her early twenties. This process of opening was a very confusing and difficult time. Through deep personal work she released the dynamics that no longer served her highest good. This clearing authentically connected Brenda to her higher self and her higher consciousness. This profound experience allows Brenda to work with individuals, animals, nature and locations on many different levels. She brings a practical approach while utilizing ancient wisdom, helping to create connection in all things.  She has been practicing Energy Medicine since 2003. This modality was developed by Brenda and incorporates her ability to see and read energy with the ability to facilitate energetic shifts within the body, mind and spirit of people and animals. Brenda is a certified Online Holy Fire III Karuna ® Reiki Master and recently opened to channeling Light Language.  She has worked on opening to this natural channeling process with the help of Aurora Luna and Jamye Price. She recently completed Jamye’s courses Learning Light Language and Light Language for Practitioners. This is a language filled with encodements of light that are understood by the soul. These encodements unlock DNA and soul potential that exist in every aspect of ones self, and further allows the individual to find and experience their true purpose as a self-empowered being.   SEE PROFILE  > 

Guests: Brenda Davis-Matz
Feb 12/25 Eyes Wide Open with Janessa & SJ
Eyes Wide Open with Janessa & SJ Feb 12/25: The Power of One

3pm pacific:


Eyes Wide Open with Janessa & SJ on Wednesdays at 3pm pacific starting January 11, 2023

We are multifaceted beings living in a multidimensional existence. We hold the power of perception, and this power alone paints our reality.  Perception influences the things we see and the things we don’t see.  Together we’ll explore the mystical & the material, The metaphysical & the physical, the supernatural & the concrete, the seen & the unseen.


Guests: Janessa & SJ
Feb 12/25 Asha’s Healing with Asha
Asha’s Healing with Asha – Introduction Show Feb 12/25

2pm pacific


Asha’s Healing on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at 2pm pacific starting Feb. 12th, 2025!

Hello, I’m Asha Carolyn Young. Born in Thailand to American parents, I’ve lived in California all my adult life. My background as an energy healer includes decades of meditation and study of alternative and spiritual healing.  I am a certified Quantum-Touch practitioner and I also make use of several other kinds of healing modalities.   Over a span of about 30 years, I have studied and practiced various approaches to healing — healing with Light, channeling, laying-on-of-hands (as taught by the late Joseph Martinez, San Francisco), and The Wonder Method. I am currently a member of Wellness on the Coast, alternative healers in the “Mendonoma” region and Gualala, CA, where I live. My experience includes meditation, yoga, channeling, reading a wide range of spiritual and metaphysical books, and association with many kinds of energy healers and spiritualists.  I hold a B.A. in history (University of California, Los Angeles) and M.A. in Cultural Anthropology (University of California, Berkeley). As a PhD student in Cultural Anthropology, my focus was “comparative religion;” and my thesis, “Thai Buddhist Nuns.”.

Asha’s Healing |  
Guests: Asha
Feb 11/25 HeavenLee Messenger with Erin Lee
HeavenLee Messenger with Erin – Free Readings Feb 11/25

2pm pacific:


HeavenLee Messenger with Erin on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2pm pst starting September 10, 2024!

Erin is a Psychic, Angel Card Reader, Certified Usui and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Certified Body Code Practitioner, located in Union Bay, in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada  ​I believe everyone, regardless of challenges, should be empowered and inspired to positive choices that  result in a balanced and meaningful life. That belief fuels me as I receive tools and guidance to fit each person’s situation. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that will result in happiness or fulfillment, but the value of psychic readings is that when we understand the ramifications of our present course, we reclaim  the power necessary to change course, and that’s pretty exciting!

Guests: Erin
Feb 11/25 IN THE LIGHT with Laura O’Malley
In the Light with Laura – Meditation and OPEN LINES – Feb 11/25

10am pacific


IN THE LIGHT with Laura O’Malley on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 10am Pacific.

About Laura

Laura’s spiritual journey began in the fall of 2014.  She was teaching elementary school and had everything she needed and wanted.  Her life looked picture-perfect,  yet, she’d never felt worse.  “I was sad, depressed, feeling utterly hopeless, not to mention completely stressed out, and I truly had no idea why.” She had been experiencing severe physical dizziness and had spent over a year searching for answers within the medical community. The “cause” was never determined.  Following what she thought was an odd impulse, she stumbled upon a book in the library (today she recognizes this as Divine intervention!) that suggested she meditate, and so she began.  A sense of relief and calmness set in slowly at first, and then fast and strong.  She felt as though her life was simply falling into place. Within a year, she’d begun communicating with her spirit guides (yes, we ALL have them!) Her initial response was that of disbelief and denial, followed by a complete physical and mental evaluation revealing to her she was, quote, fine. Then, she really began to LISTEN.  Not with her ears, but with her inner guidance, her whole self.  This connection also introduced her to her Higher self, and her Divine path.   SEE PROFILE >

Guests: N/A
Feb 11/25 VOICE OF SPIRIT  with Geralyn St Joseph
Voice of Spirit with Geralyn: Past Lives – Feb 11/25

noon pacific:


Voice of Spirit with Geralyn on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at noon pst / 3pm est on News for the Soul 

Calling Spiritual Seekers ~ Paranormal Curious, Inquisitive Sensitives, Psychic Explorers, the Wonderfully Weird, and anyone who has a thirst for the mystical, magical unseen world.  Let’s explore the Universe in all its glory. Join me to explore and share paranormal, metaphysical and mystic experiences. You have questions? I may have answers. Let’s keep an eye on how the unseen world effects this 3D version. I will be your hostess on this Spiritual Journey. Welcome, please join us with an open mind and an open heart! Blessings!

More <

Guests: Geralyn
Feb 10/25 Psychic Love Doctor with Deborah Leigh
Open Lines – Readings with the Psychic Love Doctor Feb 10/25

3pm pacific:


Call in for free readings with “The Psychic Love Doctor”  (646) 595 4274 …

NOW ON MONDAYS AT 3PM PACIFIC / 6PM EST – The ‘Psychic Love Doctor’ Deborah Leigh and Friends –   – An NFTS Global Luminary broadcasting from the USA since July 2014 –  Since 1996,  Deborah has done readings with a deck of ordinary playing cards using the Personal Prophesy card reading method her grandmother taught her in 1982.  The Personal Prophesy card reading method is a unique, powerful, life-affirming system. Deborah is able to really ‘zero in’ on specific issues with relationships, careers, & roadblocks to success. Deborah says the readings are “like having a new pair of eyes capable of seeing us through the darkest of days to guide us toward paths of hope, promise and fulfillment”. “You won’t consider yourself helpless again!”    SEE PROFILE >

Guests: Deborah Leigh & Friends
Feb 10/25 Quantum Energy with Jessy Furniel
Quantum Energy with Jessy Furniel – Feb 10/2025

2pm pacific:


Quantum Energy with Jessy Furniel on the 2ND Monday of the Month at 2pm PST starting August 12/24


Born in New York City, and childhood reared in her parents native country of Dominican Republic, Jessy has always lived between two identities, two languages, two cultures, two realities between Earth and the Sky. She’s also a Military Wife and a Mother of Two. She has self-discovered, studied and learned throughout her life’s journey that her gifts, skills, life experiences and wisdom as an energy conduit are all present for a higher service. Helping kindred souls that are determined to transform their blockages into consciousness expansion.  FULL PROFILE:  Quantum Energy | (newsforthesoul.com)


Guests: Jessy Furniel
Feb 10/25 Phoenix Revolution with Stacey Brown
Phoenix Revolution: Transform Unapologetically with Stacey – The Final Phase – Feb 10/25

1pm pacific:


Phoenix Revolution: Transform Unapologetically with Stacey on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1pm pst / 4pm est starting August 12/24

Chello! I’m Stacey, The Black Feather Intuitive. So nice to connect with you! As an Intuitive in these times of great change, my joy and purpose is to be in service as a Guide to those who feel called to find & fulfill their purpose in a co-creative way. Being an IntuitiveChanneler, Oracle & Energetic Healer, it is my honour to offer whatever is needed to empower clients in connecting deeply with their spiritual & energetic selves, their soul space, their true essence. We have all come into this life with a specific soul path and a heart’s desire to become all that we feel we can be – for ourselves as well as for the greater collective. And it’s not always easy! Sometimes we need help, guidance and a non judgemental space to learn, grow and find ways to support ourselves while we answer the call to serve others in our lives. Sometimes we need a fresh, new perspective on what we are experiencing, and transformative tools to guide us forward into our highest & best outcomes. And sometimes, with all of the clutter and noise of the energetic world, it is a challenge to hear and interpret our own inner guidance clearly. It helps to have someone there to shine a light on what is truth, for confirmation, validation, as well as a beacon in the storm of confusion that we can often find ourselves in as energetically aware people.   FULL PROFILE >

Guests: Stacey Brown
Feb 7/25 Living In The Light with Jessie B
Feb 7/25: Living in the Light with Jessie B – Past Lives

noon pacific:


Living In The Light with Jessie B at noon pacific time on the 1st Friday of the month:  TODAY: Past lives....

I am a Certified Spiritual Life Coach through the Life Purpose Institute with a coaching focus on spiritual awakening. I am also trained as a medical intuitive and spiritual/energy healer through the School of Intuition. Many years ago, I was trained in animal communication by famed animal communicator Mary Getten. Being able to help clients find spiritual or emotional blocks and helping them dissolve those blocks to bring about healing is so rewarding. This led to Serenity Intuitive where I help clients feel lighter, raise their vibration to more align with the new Earth energies and allow them to gain more serenity using energy healing techniques and guidance from Spirit.


Guests: Jessie B
Feb 8/25 Indigenous Perspectives with Diane Hill
Feb 8/25: Indigenous Peoples Perspectives with Diane Hill: 2025 Projections with intuitive Brenda Thyne

1pm pacific:


Indigenous Peoples Perspectives with Diane Hill  on the 1st & 3rd Fridays at 1PM PST - Spiritual business and 2025 Forecasts with Intuitive Brenda... PT 1

Diane Katsitsawaks HillA member of the Bear clan of the Mohawk Nation situated at the Six Nations of the Grand River (Haudenosaunee) Territory in Ontario, Diane works as an Integrative Programs Consultant and administrates the R.E.A.L. School (Reality Education & Applied Life skills) Leadership program at:  www.getrealschool.comDiane is also the Director, Owner & Operator of a private Healing Lodge & Learning Center entitled Ka’nikonhriyohtshera:  Fostering Emergence of the Good Mind.  She travels extensively in the delivery of these innovative wellness programs. All programs are situated in the context of an Indigenous worldview and incorporate recent research and discoveries drawn from the quantum sciences. Diane is a dynamic speaker and bridges the Western-Allopathic scientific perspective with the ancient Indigenous-Multi-dimensional approach to wholeness.  For more info, please visit her website at:  www.dianehill.netor contact her via email at hill.diane.13@gmail.com

Guests: Diane Hill
Feb 7/25 B.E.S.T. Healing Show with Beth Daniel Jones
Feb 7/25: The B.E.S.T. Healing Show With Beth Daniel Jones OPEN LINES!

2pm pacific:


The B.E.S.T. Healing Show With Beth Daniel Jones on the 1st and 3rd Fridays - OPEN LINES

Join Beth Daniel Jones, the founder of Best Healing Solutions (BHS), along with another Master BHS Practitioner for The BEST Healing Show on News for the Soul!

BHS is an advanced Energy Medicine practice founded by Beth, who is also the co-founder of Quantum Techniques. BHS is an energy medicine system that dialogues with the body to rapidly uncover a person’s specific blocks to healing from any physical, emotional, relational, mental, or spiritual issue and rapidly puts the body into a profound healing state as it was created to be. The result is reconnection to one’s true self, connection and communication within the body and its systems at a cellular level, and reconnection to the Divine. We specialize in chronic conditions of all kinds, help people where “nothing else has worked“, and treat trauma at its core to release it from the body once and for all.


Guests: Beth Daniel Jones
Feb 7/25 Call of the Soul with Dr. Ray Faulkenberry
Feb 7/25: Call of the Soul with Ray – CONSPIRACY Not a Bad Word! Introducing NESARA…
[ 1st and 3rd Fridays ]

Call of the Soul with Ray On the 1st and 3rd Friday @ 4pm pacific TODAY:  CONSPIRACY Is Not a Bad Word! Introducing NESARA...

The Call Of The Soul Foundation is a Faith-Based organization that is committed uplifting the planet. Our mission revolves around providing insight, information, services, and opportunities in the areas of business, education, and the family unit. Dr. Ray Faulkenberry is an author, coach, speaker, trainer, and consultant. His Ph.D. in Psychology focused on Communication Theory and Organizational Development. His life experience in business, relationships, education, and living a healthy life is diverse and extensive.  His goal is to help you unlock your INCREDIBLE potential in all facets of your life using a variety of tools and techniques.

Consider partnering with Ray in any number of ways to take your dreams to the next level. Let him and his team help you and your vision achieve your own Call Of The Soul.  SEE RAY’S PROFILE FOR A FREE GIFT!  CLICK HERE >>

Guests: Ray Faulkenberry
Feb 6/25 Enlightenment In The City with Elle Tara
FEB 6/25: Call in for free intuitive readings with Elle (716) 333 SOUL

3pm pacific:


Call in for free intuitive readings with Elle  (646) 595 4274

Thursdays at 3PM PST /6PM EST – ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE CITY WITH Elle Tara – OPEN LINES TODAY – CALL IN FOR GUIDANCE & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING (646) 595 4274 – An NFTS Global Luminary broadcasting from Canada since July 2011 –Elle Tara is a public speaker and a spiritual teacher with many intense formal and “off the beaten path” trainings under her belt.  As an enlightenment columnist for over two years, she used humorous life lessons to connect and bring laughter to her readers.  Strong yet soft, compassionate with a heart, she lives the consciousness of being feminine with strength.  Elle tells it like it is and will dive into the truth about what people don’t like to talk about in the enlightenment realms.   SEE PROFILE >

Guests: Elle Hosho Tara
Feb 5/25 Beyond Bereavement with Laura Mirante
Feb 5/25: Beyond Bereavement with Laura Mirante on News for the Soul!


9am pacific:


Beyond Bereavement with Laura on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 9am pst / noon est starting October 2nd, 2024


Laura Mirante studied channeling and intuition with Sally Baldwin from 2005-2012.  Sally made her transition to spirit June 6, 2012 and has been teaching Laura and teaching through Laura from spirit ever since.   Now you have the unique opportunity to learn about you as an intuitive soul having a human experience from Sally Baldwin and many other enlightened souls channeled  live each month directly through Laura.  FULL PROFILE >

Guests: Laura Mirante
Feb 4/25 My Way Om with Robyn
Feb 4/25: News for the Soul presents My Way OM With Robyn!

10am pacific:


My Way Om with Robyn on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 10AM PACIFIC starting August 1st, 2023.

Do you wish you experienced more ease? The mind can rewire (neuroplasticity) and the body can realign (bioplasticity). Let’s work together to regulate the nervous system and emotions using somatic & energetic practices plus neuroscience to get to the HEART of the matter! When I ran my first marathon, I was injured and unsure whether or not I was making the right decision to run the race anyway. I hadn’t been able to walk easily for nearly a month prior to the race because I injured my psoas muscle during a long run. Fear was telling me to hang back. But, I trained for months and I really wanted to see how much I could run. I decided to trust myself and allow the unknown to unfold. My marathon miracle was absolutely an example of how possible it is to heal your body. When the will is there, the body will align with all its systems on your behalf. While it wasn’t a record breaking finish, I ran the entire marathon and experienced total healing during the race. When it was over, I was walking normally and felt amazing!

Read more….

Guests: Robyn
Feb 4/25 Crystals for the Soul with Linda Perry
Feb 4/25 on News for the Soul: Crystals for the Soul with Linda. Cracked or broken crystals?

9am pacific


All about crystals …

Crystals for the Soul On The 1st Tuesday of the Month at 9am PST with Linda Perry – Linda has worked with crystals for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge about crystals and how to use them to support our spiritual journey. Linda brings her deep knowledge as well as her powerful intuition to her coaching sessions and classes on how to work with crystals, how to develop your intuition, clear blocks, gain clarity about your life, and awaken to your true nature. She is also the owner of a lovely crystal store, Soul Food Crystals, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which also has an online presence at www.soulfoodcrystals.com. She publishes a weekly Crystal Tips newsletter that offers information and tips about crystals. Linda is also the author of the book How to Clear Using Smudge, Crystals and Angels.  SEE PROFILE  >

Guests: Linda Perry
Jan 26/25 Accessing Unlimited Potential with Kathie Vigneau Davis
Accessing Unlimited Potential with Kathie Vigneau Davis – Jan 2025

11am pacific:


Accessing Unlimited Potential with Kathie Vigneau Davis heard on the 3rd Monday of the Month at 11am pacific / 2pm eastern

Kathie Vigneau Davis, M.S.

We all experience numerous life challenges   That is what led me onto this path of personal growth, and spiritual healing.  I understand intimately the difficulties that so many of us face, because I’ve been there. For me, the healing energy of Reiki opened this doorway.  As I expanded, Spirit guided me to learning a number of other healing techniques that enhance and build upon Reiki.  Along with Reiki, you and I together can choose from several aspects of energy healing that resonate with your needs.  Among them are: Shamanic practices, Psychic Surgery, Energetic DNA Restructuring, Spirit Crossings, Past Life Regression, Channeling, & Soul Retrieval.  In 2009, my Reiki Master Teacher, Helen Kanaieson Rende, Ph.D. listened and knew that I was ready to begin my teaching.  I also studied with several Reiki Masters and shamanic practitioners and gained a variety of perspectives along with the unique knowledge they each offered.  My educational background on two different coasts opened me to so many life experiences that have contributed to a greater understanding of people, and the world we live in.   My Bachelor of Science in Education is from Southern Connecticut State University and my Master’s Degree is from California State University, Fullerton.  I lived and taught in California for over 30 years.    In 2005, as a result of illness,  I early retired from teaching and moved back to the East Coast to Sanbornton, NH.  It is here in the country that I read, study, write, teach, meet with clients, and expand and grow.  My life is truly blessed!  SEE PROFILE >

Guests: Kathie Vigneau Davis
Jan 26/25 Call of the Soul with Dr. Ray Faulkenberry
Call of the Soul with Ray on Jan 26/25
[ 1st and 3rd Fridays ]

Call of the Soul with Ray On the 1st and 3rd Friday @ 4pm pacific starting April 20th, 2024


The Call Of The Soul Foundation is a Faith-Based organization that is committed uplifting the planet. Our mission revolves around providing insight, information, services, and opportunities in the areas of business, education, and the family unit. Dr. Ray Faulkenberry is an author, coach, speaker, trainer, and consultant. His Ph.D. in Psychology focused on Communication Theory and Organizational Development. His life experience in business, relationships, education, and living a healthy life is diverse and extensive.  His goal is to help you unlock your INCREDIBLE potential in all facets of your life using a variety of tools and techniques.

Consider partnering with Ray in any number of ways to take your dreams to the next level. Let him and his team help you and your vision achieve your own Call Of The Soul.  SEE RAY’S PROFILE FOR A FREE GIFT!  CLICK HERE >>

Guests: Ray Faulkenberry
Jan 26/25 Purrrfectly Holistic with Pam Roussell
PURRfectly Holistic with Pam – Jan 26/25 – Creating the best connection with your cat….

5pm pacific:


Learn valuable and commonly not known about important health care facts about your cats (and your pets) …

Purrrfectly Holistic with Pam on the 3rd Monday of the Month at 5pm pacific – Pam is a Cat mom, fitness enthusiast, swimmer, holistic health seeker, yogi, aspiring gardener, lover of sunny Cancun beaches, gentle spirit, high sales achiever and entrepreneur.  After suffering an injury that wouldn’t heal, Pam was led on a journey to seek out alternative, holistic and natural medicine back in 2005, and she’s been learning ever since.  Now a passion that she loves to share with others and her my goal is to help people help themselves and their cats along their path to holistic health.  She has taken courses in holistic health for animals, muscle testing, and animal communication.  Her life is shared with her husband Rich of over 19 years and their four cats: Lili, Rocket, Gunner, and Aylen.   SEE PROFILE >

Guests: Pam
January 26/25 Journies with Jojo with Jordan
Jan 26/25 – Journies with JOJO! Introducing Jordan…

Journies with Jojo on 4th Wednesday of the month at 11AM Pacific starting January 26/25


Greetings! I’m so glad you’re here to listen to my new show Journies with Jojo where we will dive into the importance of medical intuition and normalizing intuitive intelligence. I started on Etsy as a tarot card reader in 2021. After studying psychic, mediumship, reiki, and empathic development, I began offering private readings and healings. As I grew and developed my skills, I found my niche in medical intuition, evidential mediumship, and energy healing. I now specialize in these areas as well as I teach spiritual development.

I LOVE my work and I love being of service to the light! I love hearing testimonies and reading reviews from happy clients who have felt so much depth, clarity, and healing from my channeling services. My mission is to help us recognize our innate inner power and intuitive authority for self-empowerment and for self-healing. I want to help you to be able to connect with your body, your cells, your energy field, and your guides and angels with discernment, ease, and grace so that you can tap into your own intuitive abilities whenever needed. This is your birthright!

Call into my show every fourth Wednesday at 11AM Pacific to ask spirit questions and this can be on any and every area of your life! My training and background include psychic and mediumistic development in evidential mediumship, medical intuition, past life reading, sacred agreement and life contract reading, remote viewing to find lost objects, pet reading, aura reading, group readings, and spiritual clearing and healing.

Learn more about my offerings and services at www.jojoempathic.com. I look forward to connecting with you!”

Guests: Jordan aka JOJO
January 13/25 VOICE OF SPIRIT  with Geralyn St Joseph
Voice of Spirit January 13/25

noon pacific:


Voice of Spirit with Geralyn on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at noon pst / 3pm est on News for the Soul 

Calling Spiritual Seekers ~ Paranormal Curious, Inquisitive Sensitives, Psychic Explorers, the Wonderfully Weird, and anyone who has a thirst for the mystical, magical unseen world.  Let’s explore the Universe in all its glory. Join me to explore and share paranormal, metaphysical and mystic experiences. You have questions? I may have answers. Let’s keep an eye on how the unseen world effects this 3D version. I will be your hostess on this Spiritual Journey. Welcome, please join us with an open mind and an open heart! Blessings!

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Guests: Geralyn
January 13/25 HeavenLee Messenger with Erin Lee
Free Readings – Heavenlee Messenger Erin – JAN 13/25

2pm pacific:


HeavenLee Messenger with Erin on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2pm pst starting September 10, 2024!

Erin is a Psychic, Angel Card Reader, Certified Usui and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Certified Body Code Practitioner, located in Union Bay, in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada  ​I believe everyone, regardless of challenges, should be empowered and inspired to positive choices that  result in a balanced and meaningful life. That belief fuels me as I receive tools and guidance to fit each person’s situation. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that will result in happiness or fulfillment, but the value of psychic readings is that when we understand the ramifications of our present course, we reclaim  the power necessary to change course, and that’s pretty exciting!

Guests: Erin
January 26, 2025 Enlightenment In The City with Elle Tara
Call in for free intuitive readings with Elle JAN 26/25

3pm pacific:


Call in for free intuitive readings with Elle  (646) 595 4274

Thursdays at 3PM PST /6PM EST – ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE CITY WITH Elle Tara – OPEN LINES TODAY – CALL IN FOR GUIDANCE & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING (646) 595 4274 – An NFTS Global Luminary broadcasting from Canada since July 2011 –Elle Tara is a public speaker and a spiritual teacher with many intense formal and “off the beaten path” trainings under her belt.  As an enlightenment columnist for over two years, she used humorous life lessons to connect and bring laughter to her readers.  Strong yet soft, compassionate with a heart, she lives the consciousness of being feminine with strength.  Elle tells it like it is and will dive into the truth about what people don’t like to talk about in the enlightenment realms.   SEE PROFILE >

Guests: Elle Hosho Tara
January 10, 2025 Enlightenment In The City with Elle Tara
Call in for free intuitive readings with Elle JAN 9/25

3pm pacific:


Call in for free intuitive readings with Elle  (646) 595 4274

Thursdays at 3PM PST /6PM EST – ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE CITY WITH Elle Tara – OPEN LINES TODAY – CALL IN FOR GUIDANCE & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING (646) 595 4274 – An NFTS Global Luminary broadcasting from Canada since July 2011 –Elle Tara is a public speaker and a spiritual teacher with many intense formal and “off the beaten path” trainings under her belt.  As an enlightenment columnist for over two years, she used humorous life lessons to connect and bring laughter to her readers.  Strong yet soft, compassionate with a heart, she lives the consciousness of being feminine with strength.  Elle tells it like it is and will dive into the truth about what people don’t like to talk about in the enlightenment realms.   SEE PROFILE >

Guests: Elle Hosho Tara
January 10, 2025 Conscious Parenting with Sandra Jones-Keller
The Conscious Parenting Show with Sandra JAN 10/25

3pm pacific:


The Conscious Parenting Show on the 2nd Friday of the Month at 3pm PST 

About Sandra Jones-Keller

Sandra Jones-Keller is a California native, certified Essene Energy Healer and graduate of the University of Southern California with a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration. She is a wife, homeschool mom, visionary, conscious entrepreneur, author and intuit, with a vast and varied background. From the halls of Congress to the halls of the sacred temples of Egypt, she has touched the lives of countless people. Sandra developed her intuitive talents as a young adult studying different disciplines and producing and directing a short film on mindfulness and self-realization. She went on to produce segments for the National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) in Los Angeles, CA, Georgia Public Broadcasting in Atlanta, GA, as well as other freelance projects. Her trips abroad to sacred sites in Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Egypt culled her intuitive gifts and laid the groundwork for her life’s passion. The culmination of these gifts provided the foundation for the birth of her daughter after a challenging and life-threatening pregnancy, and later became the basis of her first book.

Guests: Sandra Jones-Keller
Jan 13/25 Phoenix Revolution with Stacey Brown
Phoenix Revolution: Transform Unapologetically with Stacey JAN 13/25

1pm pacific:


Phoenix Revolution: Transform Unapologetically with Stacey on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1pm pst / 4pm est starting August 12/24

Chello! I’m Stacey, The Black Feather Intuitive. So nice to connect with you! As an Intuitive in these times of great change, my joy and purpose is to be in service as a Guide to those who feel called to find & fulfill their purpose in a co-creative way. Being an IntuitiveChanneler, Oracle & Energetic Healer, it is my honour to offer whatever is needed to empower clients in connecting deeply with their spiritual & energetic selves, their soul space, their true essence. We have all come into this life with a specific soul path and a heart’s desire to become all that we feel we can be – for ourselves as well as for the greater collective. And it’s not always easy! Sometimes we need help, guidance and a non judgemental space to learn, grow and find ways to support ourselves while we answer the call to serve others in our lives. Sometimes we need a fresh, new perspective on what we are experiencing, and transformative tools to guide us forward into our highest & best outcomes. And sometimes, with all of the clutter and noise of the energetic world, it is a challenge to hear and interpret our own inner guidance clearly. It helps to have someone there to shine a light on what is truth, for confirmation, validation, as well as a beacon in the storm of confusion that we can often find ourselves in as energetically aware people.   FULL PROFILE >

Guests: Stacey Brown
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Because the News for the Soul platform is all about self empowerment and responsibility, please note that the opinions expressed on any of these programs are those of the hosts and participants and are not intended to and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of News for the Soul or Enlightened Enterprises or any of its owners and agents. All listeners are advised that neither News for the Soul, nor its owners and agents shall be held liable for the content of programs, including any readings or advice that is given. All listeners are advised to make their own good choices that are right for them and take full responsibility for those choices and decisions.