Brenda had intermittent psychic experiences as a child, however, her intuitive abilities were completely unlocked in the 90s as a result of some very difficult life experiences in her early twenties. This process of opening was a very confusing and difficult time. Through deep personal work she released the dynamics that no longer served her highest good. This clearing authentically connected Brenda to her higher self and her higher consciousness. This profound experience allows Brenda to work with individuals, animals, nature and locations on many different levels. She brings a practical approach while utilizing ancient wisdom, helping to create connection in all things.
She has been practicing Energy Medicine since 2003. This modality was developed by Brenda and incorporates her ability to see and read energy with the ability to facilitate energetic shifts within the body, mind and spirit of people and animals.
Brenda is a certified Online Holy Fire III Karuna ® Reiki Master and recently opened to channeling Light Language. She has worked on opening to this natural channeling process with the help of Aurora Luna and Jamye Price. She recently completed Jamye’s courses Learning Light Language and Light Language for Practitioners. This is a language filled with encodements of light that are understood by the soul. These encodements unlock DNA and soul potential that exist in every aspect of ones self, and further allows the individual to find and experience their true purpose as a self-empowered being.
Brenda’s passion for the great outdoors combined with her background as an equestrian and dog training allow her to really engage and help facilitate guidance, healing and a clearer knowing of purpose and path associated in the relationships between people, animals and their environments.
Brenda discovered the benefits of working with Essential Oils while seeking natural solutions for her horses chronic and painful reaction to insect bites. As a doTerra Wellness Advocate Brenda is able to utilize high quality essential oils to create blends supportive of emotions and environments.
Her combined modalities help to calm the mind, open the heart and empower the soul. Through the integration of these modalities Brenda has developed Connected Living, a powerful way to live life to the fullest. By opening up to our authentic selves we are able to connect wholly to our brilliantly empowered multidimensional selves, allowing for limitless manifestation and co-creative engagement with the world around us.
Brenda is also an artist. Her creations come from her personal choice to hunt and gather. She feels very strongly about personal responsibility to utilize her harvest to its fullest, in turn creating gifts with a primal connection to all things. To see Brenda’s latest collections click here.
Be who you always were!
Connected Living is the practice of living your life to its fullest through conscious understanding of who you are and what your purpose is. We as beings are evol-ving (evol-love) into a state of conscious awareness. This process is also known as Ascension. As we open up to the nature of our divine embodiment, we release aspects, beliefs and physical limits that no longer serve this new state of being. Connecting consciously allows us to see and seek out new paths, and create opportunity and choices that open doors to our deepest desires. Truly, there are no limits to what can be created utilizing these higher vibrations. We are all energetically connected. As we become aware of our energy we can create the healthy flow and meaningful change we desire.
This applies to animals as well. Animals are most often keenly aware of the roles they play in our lives. However, some may still be developing or working with this information. Through Connected Living practices they can release physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks and step in to their highest selves helping to support the symbiotic flow that occurs naturally between people and animals.
It is no coincidence you have made it to this page. You are continuing on, or are ready to take, the journey into the self. Whatever your reason, I am humbled, excited and honored to be on your journey with you!
“To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.”
― Roy T. Bennett
Crème Brulee