Sandra Jones-Keller is a California native, certified Essene Energy Healer and graduate of the University of Southern California with a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration. She is a wife, homeschool mom, visionary, conscious entrepreneur, author and intuit, with a vast and varied background. From the halls of Congress to the halls of the sacred temples of Egypt, she has touched the lives of countless people.
Sandra developed her intuitive talents as a young adult studying different disciplines and producing and directing a short film on mindfulness and self-realization. She went on to produce segments for the National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) in Los Angeles, CA, Georgia Public Broadcasting in Atlanta, GA, as well as other freelance projects. Her trips abroad to sacred sites in Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Egypt culled her intuitive gifts and laid the groundwork for her life’s passion. The culmination of these gifts provided the foundation for the birth of her daughter after a challenging and life-threatening pregnancy, and later became the basis of her first book.
Drawing on real-life experiences from the perpetual balance of family, career and quality of life, Sandra is currently the author of four books (Intuitive Communication With Your Baby’s Soul, 21 Lessons To Empower The New Age Kid, How I Beat Fibroid Tumors for a Successful Pregnancy Over 40, and Tips & Trips of Parenting a New Age Kid) and created a self-empowerment program to train teachers, coaches, parents, kids and leaders on cutting-edge life skills and self-awareness techniques. She meets with private clients whenever possible.
Sandra lives in Florida with her husband and daughter. She is available to speak, conduct workshops and consult worldwide.
I’ve had several moments throughout my lifetime. I remember being at a high school football game in the stands watching the cheerleaders. All of a sudden, a veil lifted and I saw myself on the field cheering and dancing. A few days later, I made our cheerleading squad as one of three mascot dancers.
One of my favorite teachers is Rev. Michael Beckwith from the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. I attended and took classes at Agape for several years when I lived in Los Angeles and am still inspired by his teachings.
I had a high-risk pregnancy. After my daughter was safely delivered during a planned C-section, my spirit left my body and hovered above while they were operating on me. When I heard ‘the all clear’ from one of the doctors, I took in a deep breath and re-entered my body.
I’ve always had a deep and profound love of God. When I was growing up, I attended traditional churches whose messages about sin and damnation didn’t match what I felt in my heart. It wasn’t until I found spirituality that the world started to make sense to me.
To be a guiding light during the ascension of humanity and our planet into higher consciousness.
Dogs. However, when I’m not around them regularly I can be somewhat allergic.
I like to ground myself with a cord attached to the center of Earth and run different colors through my energy field. I work a lot with golden sunlight and bubble gum or cotton candy pink energies.
When I want to relax or write I listen to Smooth Jazz on Pandora Radio.
I don’t really have a favorite food, but I love bean and cheese burritos, buffalo wings, and almond yogurt with berries and nuts for breakfast.
When I have an ‘aha’ moment, I often think ‘I need to write a story about that.’
You know how parents can feel overwhelmed and frustrated by their strong-willed kids? I give them tools to immediately reduce power-struggles, stress and anxiety. I’ve been happily homeschooling my teenage daughter for the past 11 years and I’ve written 3 books to give kids and adults more peace, power and joy in their lives: Intuitive Communication With Your Baby’s Soul, 21 Lessons to Empower the New Age Kid, and Tips & Trips of Parenting a New Age Kid. My books work together beautifully to gently
bring parenting into the 21st Century to be more aligned with the wise old souls that are being born today. All of my books are available on Amazon, including How I Beat Fibroid Tumors for a Successful Pregnancy Over 40.