Linda Perry has worked with crystals for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge about crystals and how to use them to support our spiritual journey. Linda brings her deep knowledge as well as her powerful intuition to her coaching sessions and classes on how to work with crystals, how to develop your intuition, clear blocks, gain clarity about your life, and awaken to your true nature.
She is also the owner of a lovely crystal store, Soul Food Crystals, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which also has an online presence at She publishes a weekly Crystal Tips newsletter that offers information and tips about crystals.
Linda is also the author of the book How to Clear Using Smudge, Crystals and Angels.
I think it was when I connected with a group of people and started learning about doing readings, working with crystals and meditating. Meditation was such a fast track to “opening up” it was amazing!
I would say my favourite teacher would be Judy Hall. Not that she has taught me in a classroom, but through her many crystal books and online videos, etc.
My favourite book would have to be Lord of the Rings. What an experience of good versus evil, everyone joining together to bring out love and light, to really reach deep inside and pull out strength to keep going. I’ve read them about 5 or 6 times over the years. Another book is Stealing Fire. Awesome read!
My favourite movie would probably be Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars original trilogy. Both had a lot of the same elements in them and you walked away feeling good.
Encountering ghosts in a couple of Scottish castles. Very interesting to say the least!
I am a huge Angel person, in fact I have done a lot of Angel work in my store over the years. I have asked them to live here which brings the level of vibration up and melds with the crystals very well. People love to come in a destress.
One other is I make beautiful smudge feathers that I sell in my own store and 2 others. They are fans with a crystal at one end and different feathers laid out in layers and the handle is wrapped in leather with a bit of fur.
I am also a reader, palmistry is my thing and I also do some tarot and tea leaf reading. I’ve been reading for over 20 years.
I am already doing it. That is helping and teaching others on how to use crystals for whatever they need, to provide a space for them to come and purchase them for themselves that is warm, uplifting, safe and knowledgeable.
I love small dogs and cats.
Angel work is what I love the best. Meditation is another good way to stay connected. And I also have worked on keeping the balance in my life from work and personal life. Being conscious of what is happening.
I do love a few spiritual musicians, but I am a classic rock fan, so Rolling Stones, Eagles, etc. One of my favourite songs is White Shade of Pale by Procol Harem.
I love food and I love to cook and BBQ. I have many things I love, so can’t pick just one.
That would be my working crystal knowledge and my smudge feathers. I teach classes on crystals and palmistry and hope to be able to do some online someday.