GATEWAY TO SOUL with Joanne Carvalho

Gateway to Soul with Joanne Carvalho on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 11am Pacific  starting Nov. 19/24


Hello my name is Joanne and I am a Lightworker and Energy Healer. I work with LIGHT. Everything is LIGHT and I believe everything is possible. I started working with energy after having some life-changing experiences that placed me on this path. I was told about this path in 1998 but then life happened. Now, I am dedicated to learning and growing and working with healing energy to help others tap into their own personal power and help them on their own path to healing through the power of LOVE.

More About Me

I’ve always been curious about the other side. I’ve always believed in angels. In 1998 a psychic named Rose told me exactly who I was and why I was here. My 27 year old self couldn’t wrap my brain around what she had told me.  I only wanted to know if I would get a job in my field of biology since I had just graduated with my master’s degree. She told me I would have an awakening within 2 years. Back then I wasn’t ready. It was 22 years later that everything she told me came to pass. Turns out I had forgotten who I was and why I was here. I was busy living my life very happily. Then it all changed. I had my first vision On Dec 12th 2018. It came out of nowhere. I knew then that I was connected to everything and everyone and I had something to do. So, I started searching and seeking the answers to find the truth of who I really was.

I started an incredible journey of discovery and connected with my Light, my Soul. Signs and synchronicities were so blatantly obvious that I followed them with an open heart. I knew I had to open my channel and I knew that I was a healer of some kind. I learned about numerology, astrology, Tarot, sacred geometry, energy healing and more. To me it was all just energy and light. They are all different ways of connecting with yourself and with cosmic consciousness, Source, the Divine, the Universe.

Reiki seemed like the first obvious step for me to learn about a healing modality that used energy. During my first Reiki attunement in February 2020 I was struck by lightning.  That’s what it felt like. The energy surging through me was incredible. I felt sparks on my face and everything opened up. Let’s say that I came on-line with all channels open. In March 2020 the world shutdown due to the pandemic but for me this was an incredible time of transformation. I thought I was going crazy for a time and worried about how people would judge me. I was seeing things, hearing things, feeling things and I had a knowing of ancient knowledge awaken in me. I just knew things and I knew them to be true.  I was thrust into past lives, brought on incredible journeys and shown things that I didn’t understand then but I do now. The mysteries of the Universe revealed to me through visitations and visions and feelings and a knowingness.

In my search I discovered my abilities to tune into people, animals, plants, rocks and the Earth and beyond. When I close my eyes I can see the colours of the Light that comes through. It feels like I have suns shining directly on my forehead as the light streams through me. The first time this happened I was overwhelmed with LOVE and I knew that Angels were present. I happened to be working with a dear family friend who had cancer and I knew that something special was happening.

I live, breathe, eat and sleep energy. I have taken many courses in my search for more knowledge and understanding of all things energy and I continue to work with my own Light and open up more each day to the incredible vastness of the Universe. We are but a drop in an infinite vastness that goes beyond our understanding.

I have studied different modalities but what it all comes down to is the Soul connection. I just close my eyes and connect with your Soul, I hold the space and observe. The Universe does the rest. I am truly humbled and in awe of the infinite possibilities that we hold in us.


What I Do

I work with the Chakra system which is attached to your emotional body. We store emotions in our body which can cause energetic blockages. These blockages can manifest later in our physical bodies. During your session I will connect to your energy to determine these blockages. I can feel your energy as heat and I feel dense spots and/or pain in my own body as well as see the colours of the energy in your system. As I open my channel, healing energy will flow where it is needed to help balance and move any stagnant energy. Sometimes intuitive messages may also come through for you which I will share if you are open to receiving.

I work with Souls, I work with Angels, I work with Light, I work with Light Beings. They are all Energy and resonate at different frequencies. To me Science and Spirituality are one and the same. Science just hasn’t quite been able to explain all the mysteries of the Universe….yet.

I work with the higher Love and Truth frequencies and help you to connect with your Soul, your Higher Self. This creates more clarity for you and your path in life. Have you been ill or feeling stuck? Your energy will tell me your story so I can help guide you to the areas where you are stuck so you can work towards healing.

I have been called to work with the Rose frequency through the teachings of Mary Magdalene. This very special light helps to open up blockages in the Root Chakra through transference healing.

You have the ability to heal and live your best life. Energy healing is safe and complementary to your traditional medical care. Maintaining a healthy mind, body and soul will ultimately bring more love, joy and happiness into your life. I am honoured and humbled to be of service to you.


Much love,

Joanne Carvalho B.Sc., M.Sc.


Energy Healer


Divine Channel



Sister of the Rose

Usui/Holy Fire®III Reiki Master

ICRT Animal Reiki Master


Joanne’s website:  Gateway to Soul



Services Offered


Intuitive Distance Healing Session on Zoom

Let’s connect via Zoom. This will give us a chance to chat before and after your session. The energy healing session is around 20 minutes and you can sit or lie down during that time. Total time for this session is approximately 1 hour.

I will connect with your Soul and feel where your root cause of illness is . Once identified I will help you to find the themes relating to this cause. By helping you to identify the root cause we can then work on processing and releasing the stuck energy.


In-Person Session

In-person sessions are available by request. Please contact me here so we can make further arrangements.


Workshops, Classes and Events

I spend most of my time healing and working one-on-one with my clients. However,  I also work in collaboration with others to offer workshops and retreats. I am open to working with you doing group healing and grounding workshops as well. Please contact me with your requests. Check back for more information on my Events page or subscribe to my newsletter for future offerings.




Joanne’s website:  Gateway to Soul


11 Things About Joanne ….

What was your first moment of ‘beyond 3d normal awakening’?

I had many experiences throughout my life and did see lights as a child but my true awakening happened later in life. I can’t pin point it to just one moment. I felt like I went from 0 to 1000 very, very quickly! My experiences were so intense and I had so much happen to me in such a short time. From “normal” to supercharged. Feeling energy run through me like fire was something I had to learn to get used to. Having intense visions and getting used to feeling other people and souls literally inside my body. I had Archangel Michael hand me a flaming sword. I had Jesus and Mary appear to me. I felt sick around dark energy. I went into trance-like states as I connected to the oneness and could see energy. I had my cat lock eyes with me for 20 minutes and talk to me in a deep voice. I thought I was going crazy and yet it was the most incredible time in my life.

Who is your favourite teacher, book and movie?

My favourite teacher is my friend, mentor and Master healer Denis Chagnon. I am blessed to be able to work alongside him. You cannot learn energy work by reading a book or taking a course. You have to learn through doing and experience. He taught me how to ground energy. This technique is absolutely key to healing in my opinion. I have gained more insight from my own experiences with myself and in working with clients. The power of this is so incredible and yet so simple to do. I owe this to him and now my goal is to share it with as many people as possible to help others to heal.

It’s hard to choose just one favourite book. There are so many to choose from. But, I will say that early on in my journey a couple of books really stood out for me and resonated with me. Journey of Souls by Michael Newton and Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz.

Favourite movie is a really tough one! I watch many different types of movies but I do love the fantasy and sci-fi genres.
What’s the strangest experience you’ve ever had?

Soo many! But they are not strange to me. Now these experiences are a normal part of my life. But the first time I felt another soul move through my body I was quite overwhelmed. I also help people and animals when they go in for surgery. When my cat was having dental surgery and I was at home I felt the moment they gave him the anaesthetic and I could feel them working on him. It felt quite strange when they were working on pulling out a tooth and I could feel it. Also, in the beginning channelling light was very strange. I had no idea what was happening but the light was so blinding. Now this is completely normal and I love seeing and feeling the light that comes through.

What’s one interesting thing we do not know about you yet?

I was born at 11:11 and I am an 11 Life Path 🙂

What do you feel your true life purpose to be?

To be a healer and work with energy and have lots and lots of experiences. To discover the truth for myself and help others to open and connect with their own truth and light.

What’s your favourite animal?

Cats! I have two incredible cats and they are my guardians. I also love dolphins!

What’s your favourite consciousness or energy ‘exercise’ that helps you stay connected, grounded and ‘tuned in’ in a good way?

Grounding! I ground ALL the time. Especially now that we have access to so much energy and information. Our bodies can’t handle very high vibrations without proper grounding. By grounding I am not referring to grounding into the Earth but grounding your own energy first.

What’s your favourite music / song / musical artist?

I love music that is uplifting! Anything that raises my vibration and brings me joy.

What’s your favourite food?

Butter LOL Put butter on anything and II’ll eat it. I love fresh veggies from the garden too.

What excites your creative juices?

When I get signs and synchronicities! And they keep coming and I know something is going to happen. I become very, very aware that I’m in a bubble and I get excited.

What’s the one thing you’d like to “shamelessly self promote” here today?

I am always in awe of how the Universe works. I meet new people mostly through word of mouth and through Divine Will. I look forward to connecting with the souls that I am meant to work with.

I do offer regular Online Grounding and Energy Classes to teach people how to work with their own energy. It’s an hour session where I get to share knowledge and walk you through my grounding technique.

I have a difficult time putting into words what I do and what happens during sessions. But I do feel and see the light that comes through. And when we ground the amount of light that pours in is incredible. You can find out more about these classes on my Events page. Or Book a one-on-one Zoom session with me so I can read your energy and work to align you to your soul frequency to create a space for healing.



Joanne’s website:  Gateway to Soul


IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Because the News for the Soul platform is all about self empowerment and responsibility, please note that the opinions expressed on any of these programs are those of the hosts and participants and are not intended to and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of News for the Soul or Enlightened Enterprises or any of its owners and agents. All listeners are advised that neither News for the Soul, nor its owners and agents shall be held liable for the content of programs, including any readings or advice that is given. All listeners are advised to make their own good choices that are right for them and take full responsibility for those choices and decisions.