Intuitive Medical Healing with Jane Phillips



Intuitive Medical Healing with Jane on altermate Mondays at 2pm pacific time starting June 5, 2017 – Jane Phillips, CMI/CQP/CECP


Jane is a Medical Intuitive, Quantum Energy and Emotion Code Practitioner, Psychic Medium,
Paranormal Investigator, Professional Dowser and more. Her unique gifts, extensive professional
training and skill as a kinesiologist help her tailor each client session in a unique, personal way.
She specializes in clearing energy on multiple levels for people, homes, businesses, and land.

 Certification in medical intuition and quantum energy healing through Kim Seer, an
internationally-known and highly-respected medical intuitive.

 Advanced psychic training through Echo Bodine’s Center for Spiritual Development in
Minneapolis, Minnesota.

 Emotion Code Certification from Dr. Bradley Nelson, Discover Healing

 Certified Past Life Regression Facilitator through Julia Ingram

From her base in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Jane works remotely, with clients located across the
country and beyond. Over the past 12+ years she has helped over 1,000 people heal physical,
emotional, mental and other issues for themselves, their family members and even their pets.
She had cleared the energy of over 400 properties, including vacant land, for homeowners,
business owners and property managers.

Jane’s Services:



We offer intuitive medical healings, holistic therapies, psychic readings and we also work with animals.


We offer psychic readings for medical, relationship and business questions plus other topics based upon a client’s needs.  Want some insight on a specific issue or maybe even need to visit with a loved one who has passed on? Consider having a reading to get your questions answered.  Sessions generally last one hour, but may be less at the client’s discretion. Readings are also available by phone, or email for a lesser charge.


For medical conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, auto immune diseases, migraine headaches as well as specific physical conditions such as “bad” knees, shoulders and the like.

Clients with these conditions should continue to consult with their regular doctor; however,  an alternative approach using quantum energy as a complement may substantially reduce or eliminate the symptoms.  Each session is tailored specifically to the client and may combine some of the other therapies.


Our Body Release Technique tm (BRT) is a guided meditation technique that allows the client to look at the root of their aches and pains whether it be from arthritis, a car accident, a fall or simply the aging process. Clients have found BRT may be extremely effective in eliminating or substantially reducing chronic pain or discomfort, often permanently.

With the assistance of the practitioner the client explores, through the use of metaphor, what they are seeing or sensing in the affected part or parts of their body.  The BRT as a healing tool is a synthesis of several processes learned through  years of training and unique to our practice at Geyser.


Sometimes you need more than sage to clear a space. Working with Nature, the Devas and Pan, we offer energetic clearings for gardens, land,  houses, buildings and office spaces. While it’s ideal to be on site for the clearings, they can be done long distance if necessary. All clearings are balanced with flower essences and nutritionals as needed. Sessions range from two to six hours depending upon the size of the property or space.
Visit for more details on these services.


These sessions use a mild hypnosis to assist the client in reviewing a past life or lives, or an earlier time in this life.  The client begins the session by setting an intent for the healing, i.e. what information the client is trying to access. For example, it could be a question about a relationship or a pattern in relationships or a question about why finances are such an issue.  Setting the intent allows the higher self to direct the client to a past life that will give insight into a current life situation.

Occasionally a client would like to see a probable future around an issue. By setting the intent, progressions explore 3-5 possible future outcomes for consideration.


For those individuals wanting a gentle approach to healing, this technique uses channeled energy from God and the Universe to assist healing for the client’s highest good.  Generally this is a very calming therapy. Most clients report feeling extremely relaxed after their session.


Many of the therapies used at Geyser are equally effective for our animal friends. If you’ve tried the traditional veterinary route and it’s not helping and/or you’re not satisfied with the results give us a call, we may be able to help.


To find out more about how Jane can help you, check out her websites and blogs.

 (landing page to both of the following websites)



The News for the Soul 11 Questions – 11 Things About Jane:


  1. What was your first moment of ‘beyond 3d normal awakening’? I actually don’t remember a moment.  I started taking Psychic Development Classes about 12 years ago and discovered then that I actually had abilities and wasn’t just making stuff up.
  2. Who is your favourite teacher, book and movie?  No teacher but Ralph Waldo Emerson, the philosopher. The book is probably “The Future is Yours” by Raymon Grace, a nationally known dowser. Movie? Chocolate or Miss Pedigrew Lives for a Day.
  3. What’s the strangest experience you’ve ever had? I’ve had too many to pick the strangest. However, I work with Mother Mary and she flooded my living room in Minnesota with the strongest smell of roses, ever in June, 2009. It started around 7pm at night and stopped around midnight. This lasted for 7 days. The smell was so strong that my evangelical christian neighbors could smell it in their living room.  I had several friends over on Tuesday night to witness this miracle.
  4. What’s one interesting thing we do not know about you yet? Hmmm. I’m a professional dowser and use my pendulum and other dowsing tools in my work. AND, I used to crew on inland lake sailboats for 17 years during my 20’s and early 30’s.
  5. What do you feel your true life purpose to be? It’s all about Communication. My tag line is “Release your Potential.” I work with the unseen energies and my clients to remove blocks to their forward movement. I’m often the person people come to when their stuck, the “last resort” person.
  6. What’s your favourite animal? My dog, Jenna.  She’s an 8-year old Blue Heeler mix.
  7. What’s your favourite consciousness or energy ‘exercise’ that helps you stay connected, grounded and ‘tuned in’ in a good way? I actually use a dowsing protocol pretty much daily that get’s all of the gunk off of me. I also lower my frequency (not vibration) so that I’m not too ramped up as I go about my day. I then raise my energy levels to the highest possible level and do some brain balancing.
  8. What’s your favourite music / song / musical artist? I love the music by John Mayer as he “says it like it is.” I also enjoy Keith Urban. So Adult Alternative music and Country Western. Yes to Classical Music for it’s grounding properties
  9. What’s your favourite food? Cottage Cheese. I ate so much of it in college that I actually gained weight.
  10. What excites your creative juices? I’m a Martha Stuart organizing fan. I love to help people organize their spaces and I love helping people sort out their gifts. I helped my fellow loan officers figure out their tag-lines when I worked in Mortgage Banking back in MN.
  11. What’s the one thing you’d like to “shamelessly self promote” here today?  I’m setting up an personal energy clearing class in mid to late June. It will be a 90 minute webinar the evening of Thursday, June 22 at 5:30 PT and 8:30pm ET. You can email me at to register. Cost will be $37 per person paid in advance by Credit Card. New Mexico residents will have to pay tax.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Because the News for the Soul platform is all about self empowerment and responsibility, please note that the opinions expressed on any of these programs are those of the hosts and participants and are not intended to and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of News for the Soul or Enlightened Enterprises or any of its owners and agents. All listeners are advised that neither News for the Soul, nor its owners and agents shall be held liable for the content of programs, including any readings or advice that is given. All listeners are advised to make their own good choices that are right for them and take full responsibility for those choices and decisions.