Hello, I am Victoria,
I am so thrilled to be here with you all! My Life purpose is Service and Compassion. Being of service to others has brought me the most joy in my life. Compassion lifts my soul and I imagine increases my vibration greatly.
I provide Reiki sessions, Sound Healing sessions, Tuning Fork Chakra/affirmation sessions, and I have a very popular signature Energy Session with 3 touch modalities that your body will LOVE.
The past 7 years have been incredible for me. It has clearly been my pathway and has brought me to this opportunity in an unbelievable synchronization that could not be coincidental at all.
I have learned so much about myself that has awakened me to many realizations. I have changed many of the limited beliefs that did not benefit my own truths. Freeing up my empathic energy was an awakening I cherish and love. My ability to help others feel the sense of well-being they had not felt in a long time! That is such a good feeling to realize that I have a special gift that I naturally can share. Self-Love and acceptance is the key!
I want every one of us to Love One Another! We are one another after all.
I will share meditations I hope you will relax into- I will share some sound healing as well.
I have so many valid topics that need to be brought up and understood. I am excited to share my experience and hope with the world and we can teach and learn from exciting conversations! I hope you all join me because if you get to know me you will realize although my life has been a little busy and not typical, I have taken my inner strength to survive and here I am a self- reliant, positive, strong, nurturing, thriving woman.
I am the energy helper that can guide you in many ways to heal yourself and be the YoU that you know and love body and soul.
I grew up in Tucson, AZ and at age 24 moved to Phoenix, AZ to work at The Mayo Clinic for 13 years while raising 2 daughters. Living and starting a Wellness Business now lives in Chandler, Az experiencing everything I find exciting around service and compassion for others. Reiki, sound healing, tuning fork certified.
Coming soon….
I want you to know that your Reiki work is amazing and certainly helped me to feel more whole and
complete. Your work in this area is beautiful and empowering. You are such a joy to be with and
such a powerful and nurturing soul. I consider it an honor to be in your presence! You are so rare
of a find, compliments to you for your authenticity and your skill and care for me. C. A.
I have noticed that my driving and standing in line at the grocery store anxiety is gone. It took me a couple
days for it to sink in that the sound vibrations were deep in my subconscious but I had no anxiety today
and I have ALWAYS had issues with that. I am looking forward to our next session. This has really given me
a new outlook and I don’t know how I can thank you enough! S.G.
I experience like an awakening of personal growth through yoga, meditation, sound healing, and guided sleep hypnosis audiosand definitely through meeting and talking to other like-minded individuals.
I am not sure I have been beyond 3D awakened.
I can know that my recent meeting of Daryl Anka and his amazing teachings have definitely opened my mind to the experience.
Also, refer to question/answer of #3.
My favorite most recent teacher is Maha.Bodi who I met on a week-long Yoga Retreat inPuerto Vallarta. She was amazing and I loved how she taught using examples and metaphors to help me grow in this spiritual practice of yoga and meditations. She was open and willing to take time to listen and answer my questions with kindness and conviction that got through to myconsciousness.
My favorite Book most recent and relevant is Loving What Is. By Byron Katie
She helped me see that my growth is okay and how I think others love or see me in my life is not my problem- I no longer suffer in ways that hurt. The forgiveness I was seekingis not needed because my reality is what it is and I do not have to react or feel upset by what they think.
I am still working on this.
My favorite Movies tend to be comedies like Ferris Buelers day off
In addition, I enjoy lighthearted Romantic comedies that show how crazy and unpredictable love can be and how it always works out the way it is meant to like He’s Just Not That Into You.
Around 2018 I was really feeling alone and unsure anyone cared and wishing for the knowing that I do matter and am being watched over. This happened on two different car rides to me. I was driving home from the same store both times this happened. I had a mindful visit or vision where I was in contact with passed male family members. They were full of joy and laughter as they expressed how they feel while watching over my life.
They expressed pride and love both times. I have never worried that I am not cared for and watched over since then.
I have never shared this experience with anyone.
4. What’s one interesting thing we do not know about you yet?
I am introverted, intuition based and all about feeling emotion. I notice everything, if the tone of your voice changes or you respond differently I will notice- I want to know your soul,
I want to know why you do and say what you do and understand why you feel the way youdo.
That seems like more than one but…
Service and Compassion in many forms.
My life and the joy in my life has always centered on service and compassion in many different ways and jobs I have committed myself to over the years.
It has always been important for me to be in a job that I find my purpose has value. This has always guided me and led me to my next opportunities to grow and I have never worked where I feel my value not helpful-according to myself. My work is one part of my life that other people’s opinions never mattered and I think it is because a job has a mission or job description. I knew what was expected of me and I could deliver with pride. Life not so much.
COWS! I love cows.
I love all animals so empathically that I sometimes say that I may have more compassion for animals than I do for humans. I do not like seeing people suffer of course, I just am noticeably loving and compassionate for animals.
I would say Dogs are my ultimate favorite. Only because I have the most experience in getting to know dogs more than any other animals.
I also have to include cats because I respect their independence and how if I just let them be, they will approach me with the love and companionship I need.
Meditation. Not sure this is an exercise but I have found that listening to tarot card readings gives me the insights and guidance that helps me feel grounded in my own energy and often points-out that I am where I need to be in connection with my higher self.
I love all kinds of music from Spiritual hymns I learned growing up to certain Rap artists who’s lyrics are so real and raw & always
Speaking of the way our lives mold us. The way we experience life and how we have been treated by world around us.
I love Mexican food,
10. What excites your creative juices?
I love to sew and am excited when I can re-purpose an item into my own vision and using creativity to stand out and create looks casual and comfortable.
Sharing my creations with others is exciting to me.
I have zero doubt that my lifes, twists and turns and my personal choices have guided me to this amazing opportunity to share myself and help others who feel that they may not be accepted because of the past they have lived. I also have a small part of me sure that I will be criticized and judged- that does not matter and I am very sure that I can handle this part. FINALLY, I can use where I am now and all my faith in my journey to find more joy in helping others. I believe those who can see and feel my strength and courage that has carried me through tough times and-has taught me the self-love and acceptance in my self is all that matters.