Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney







The NFTS Feature Interviews with 




“The Spirit Driven, Remote Viewing, Bellydancing

Journalist who founded News for the Soul in January 1997”




NICOLE MARIE WHITNEY’S NEW NEWS FOR THE SOUL HIGHLIGHTS SHOW – Nicole Marie Whitney – the founder and producer at News for the Soul, life changing talk radio from the uplifting to the unexplained since January 1997 – is the Spirit Driven Broadcaster who uses her own innovation at overcoming adversity to inspire, motivate, educate and connect people in all walks of life around the world who want to step into their full power, purpose and potential in a world inundated with negativity, limitation, overwhelm, anxiety and fear in the mainstream news.


NICOLE MARIE WHITNEY, NEWS FOR THE SOUL FOUNDER, PRODUCER & HEAD HOSTESS – Nicole Marie Whitney is the Spirit Driven Broadcaster who uses her own innovation at overcoming adversity to inspire, motivate, educate and connect people in all walks of life around the world who want to step into their full power, purpose and potential in a world inundated with negativity, limitation, overwhelm, anxiety and fear in the mainstream news.


In the beginning…


Nicole was abandoned at birth, physically, emotionally and mentally abused throughout childhood, homeless by 15, on “permanent” disability by 30 with three “incurable” diseases (crohns disease, arthritis in the hips and iritis – arthritis of the eyeball causing excruciating pain and blindness) all while raising 2 young children alone with no family, no money, no resources, and no hope….


And then something amazing happened.  [This is where the ‘woo woo’ begins….]


“A voice spoke to me in my living room. It told me to build a positive news newspaper immediately”.

“I was really freaked out and thought it was a terrible idea as I was ill and had no money, resources or skills to do anything like that.  But… long story short… I did it anyway.”


Thus an epic journey began.


And now …


Over the years, Nicole’s positive news newspaper evolved into the News for the Soul Broadcast network.   She has ‘followed the voice’ every step of the way.

As a result Nicole has experienced many unique learning experiences which she’s shared with listeners world wide and has interviewed many of the top thought leaders in the world including Deepak Chopra, Stuart Wilde, David Icke, James Redfield (Celestine Prophecy), Songoma Credo Mutwa, Dan Millman, Actress Dee Wallace, Neale Donald Walsh, Uri Geller, Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse, Dannion Brinkley, Sark, Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden, Dr Bruce Lipton, John Assaraf, Geoff Hoppe, Dr Hew Len (Hooponopono), James Ray, Joe Vitale, Brad Yates, Russel Targ, BASHAR and many, many more.   The News for the Soul movement has become a global community to co-create awakened empowerment for  1,000,000’s of people around the world.

And Nicole has been ‘guided’ to keep News for the Soul Radio totally free for anyone to hear 7 days a week via our website at





Nicole Marie Whitney is the only Spirit Driven Broadcaster who uses her own innovation at overcoming adversity to inspire, motivate, educate and connect people in all walks of life around the world who want to step into their full power, purpose and potential in a world inundated with negativity, limitation, overwhelm, anxiety and fear in the mainstream news.




In the beginning..

Nicole was abandoned at birth, physically emotionally and mentally abused throughout childhood, homeless by 15, on disability by 30, raising 2 young children alone with no family, no money, no resources, no hope….

And then something amazing happened.

“A voice spoke to me in my living room. It told me to build a positive news newspaper immediately”.

“I was really freaked out and I thought it was a terrible idea as I was ill, and had no money, resources or skills to do anything like that. But I did it anyway.”

Thus an epic journey



And now

Since then, Nicole has interviewed many of the top thought leaders in the world including Deepak Chopra, Stuart Wilde, David Icke, James Redfield (Celestine Prophecy), Songoma Credo Mutwa, Dan Millman, Actress Dee Wallace, Neale Donald Walsh, Uri Geller, Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse, Dannion Brinkley, Sark, Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden, Dr Bruce Lipton, John Assaraf, Geoff Hoppe, Dr Hew Len (Hooponopono), James Ray, Joe Vitale, Brad Yates, Russel Targ, BASHAR and many more, and helped empower 1,000,000’s of people world wide through keeping News for the Soul Radio free for anyone to hear 7 days a week on the web.

Today, Nicoles’ incurable diseases are cured, and her life is an epic adventure with an array of experiences and accomplishments including:

bullet-bf Launching a Positive News Newspaper in January 1997 that transformed into a successful radio network heard by millions in over 200 countries around the world

bullet-bfCo-Hosting for 2 years with Dannion Brinkley, “Saved by the Light”

bullet-bfAuthor of “Boardroom Babies” in Chicken Soup for the Working Moms Soul

bullet-bfFilmed interviews for Life Changing TV with great consciousness teachers like James Redfield [Celestine Prophecy] John Kehoe [Mind Power] ….

bullet-bfSuccessful Pitch Tank Finalist with Kevin Harrington May 2015

bullet-bfOver a decade of both basic and advanced remote viewing training with former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse including appearing in an episode of Proof Positive at Universal Studios. Nicole remains an active advanced remote viewer today.

bullet-bfTeaching, Performing and Producing an Epic 1 Hour show for her own Bellydance Troupe called Shimmy for the Soul ( ) which performs at festivals through out BC Canada

bullet-bfCreating the One & Only Spoonbending Kit, teaching people world wide how to ‘bend metal with the power of their mind ….for real!”

bullet-bfSinging with an Epic VOC Soul Gospel Choir with Checo Tahomaso (formerly performed with Marvin Gaye)

bullet-bfused to tour in Canada’s “Foremost Female Rock Band” Miss Behave in the 1980s … playing bass.

bullet-bfhad Epic experiences in both Inipis and Yuwipis as part of her re-discovery of her Metis Roots

And more…


And as of 2024, News for the Soul is in its 27th year and growing strong …

“Nicole’s energy, commitment and honesty are stellar. If you are looking for a wonderful guide on your journey, check out Nicole’s “Epic Life” program.”  ~ Hayhouse Author Suze Casey,


After decades of enduring extreme challenges, Nicole wants you to know too, that you are not alone. She’d been abandoned at birth, had two incredibly abusive adoptive parents for over 13 years who spontaneously beat her as a small child in the middle of the night, until finally hitting the streets when she was 15 years old. Her heightened senses and interactive experiences of ‘unusual events’ wove through the fabric of her healing and journey. Thanks to her own work and the work of people like those on News for the Soul Radio, Nicole has cured her diseases, healed her Soul and wants you to know that anything is really, truly possible.

 “Nicole’s heartfelt global purpose inspired me to visualize the epic vision of my own life.” Colleen Hierath, Speak, Author,



News for the Soul’s goal is to help listener’s like you understand the true potential of your life and what you are really capable of. 


“We hear people say ‘anything is possible’ all of the time.  Now it is time to KNOW it.” ~ Nicole Marie Whitney, News for the Soul Radio


“Nicole is an insightful woman with a message for the world.  She inspires us to reach for our dreams and re-discover our childlike vision of what life could be!” ~ Spencer McDonald, Thinking Driver,


Nicole is also an author:

Look for Nicole’s story “From Rags to Pitches’ in The Prosperity Factor with Joe Vitale[release date February 1, 2016].   And Nicole’s story ‘Boardroom Babies’ was published in the Chicken Soup for the Working Moms Soul: Inspiring Stories from the Playroom to the Boardroom [release date October 15, 2007]






FUN FACT:  Nicole works Part Time as a “Professional Precog”



The Back Story in More Detail …

Journalist Nicole Marie Whitney first launched The News for the Soul Broadcasting Network in January 1997 as a ‘positive news newspaper‘ just after a remarkable event where ‘God talked to her in her living room’. The Voice, as she called it back then, told her to create and publish a positive news newspaper. She thought it was a terrible idea.

Perceived obstacles at the time included not knowing how to make a news paper, nor having the contacts or resources to do so. She also had three “incurable” diseases (crohns disease, arthritis in the hips and iritis – arthritis of the eyeball causing excruciating pain and blindness) and was isolated at home alone raising two children on her own on disability. Further to that, she’d endured a lifetime of extreme challenge up to this point – abandonment at birth, living with two very abusive adoptive parents for 13 years and then finally ending up alone with no family or home by the time she was 15.

Throughout it all, she had the strong sense that something was ‘with her’ – that she was not alone even when she was alone. And the difficulties themselves instigated heightened perceptions and awarenesses beyond the ‘normal senses’. These heightened senses and several ‘unusual events’ all came into play as things came together. The burning desire to help others who had felt the way she had – disempowered, alienated, non normal, limited, unwell and afraid. To understand the true potential of our lives and what we’re really capable of – all this has culminated in the existence of News for the Soul – approaching its 20th year and growing strong.


Fun Fact # One: Nicole is a Chicken Soup for the Soul Author – ‘Chicken Soup for the Working Mom’s Soul’:  “Boardroom Babies”…  Fun Fact # Two: Nicole teaches and performs bellydance with her student troupe weekly in BC.   Fun Fact # Three:  Nicole is the creator of the One & Only “Spoonbending Kit” … www.SpoonbendingKit.comFun Fact # Four:  Nicole has taken a decade of training with Former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse, continues to practice RV and appeared in a Universal Studios Episode of Proof Positive.  Fun Fact # Five:  Nicole used to tour in Canada’s “Foremost Female Rock Band” Miss Behave in the 1980s … playing bass.


News for the Soul Producer Founder & Host Nicole Marie Whitney goes back to her roots with NFTS interviews with leading edge luminaries in the human consciousness evolution.  Our quantum leap: January 2020 will mark the start of our 23rd year broadcasting empowering media in our world. Our site and systems need to grow with us and it’s all happening now.


A Few Nicole’s Important Influences Along The Way:

— Training and practicing CRV and Extended Remote Viewing with former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse which included an appearance on Proof Positive at Universal Studios in L.A. and a life altering excursion far into the Peruvian wilderness where Nicole filmed a profound massive UFO encounter

— Connecting one on one with Stuart Wilde and David Icke and Stuart Wilde  

— training with Peak Potentials T Harv Eker for 4 years (T Harv Eker was a columnist for Nicole’s newspaper during that time)

— and too many more to list here…














When not doing News for the Soul related activities, Nicole can almost always be found bellydancing.

She performs, teaches, choreographs and produces unique bellydance shows with her group Shimmy for the Soul seen performing regularly at family friendly festivals and events in Vancouver BC Canada.   What originally started as a dare with her eldest daughter, became a life changing passion-filled past time that engulfed her life and living space and every ‘spare’ hour on five days a week.   And she attributes bellydance as an important part of her health improvements over the years, in mind body and spirit and often refers to the activity as the ‘real’ fountain of youth.  Thus it is not to merely Shimmy but to “Shimmy for the Soul”. 

Nicole’s bellydance training in recent years has focused on the Salimpour format, having completed 50 hours of live training with Suhaila on both Suhaila an Jamila formats and lived to tell about it (advanced bellydancers will ‘get’ that one).  She has also trained at the last  Las Vegas Bellydance Intensive ever and also with many top trainers along the way including Jillian, Sadie, Jim Boz, Nath Keo, Rachel Bryce, Sahira, Sandra and many more. Nicole is a member of MEDA [Middle Eastern Dance Association] in B.C. and an active enthusiast of bellydancing, studying new techniques and styles with as many leaders in the field as possible.

Nicole’s Bellydance Website:






A message from Nicole about your questions regarding her changing appearance:

Okay, people have been askin’ what’s up with the new look  :))   In 2016 I released about 70 pounds of excess weight I’d been dragging around on and off for about a decade.  Because NFTS was in its 21st year at the time, I’m different sizes in different pictures and, rather than take old content down, I am choosing to leave everything as is … as that is how it actually was … :–)    Keepin it real.     I hope that clears up any confusion.   I’m still me.   And I feel awesome.








News for the Soul

NICOLE MARIE WHITNEY’S NEW NEWS FOR THE SOUL HIGHLIGHTS SHOW – Nicole Marie Whitney – the founder and producer at News for the Soul, life changing talk radio from the uplifting to the unexplained since January 1997 – is the Spirit Driven Broadcaster who uses her own innovation at overcoming adversity to inspire, motivate, educate and connect people in all walks of life around the world who want to step into their full power, purpose and potential in a world inundated with negativity, limitation, overwhelm, anxiety and fear in the mainstream news.




Some Past Specials:

Randy Feltface: Nicole’s favourite comedian and purple guy!

RANDY FELTFACE, as seen recently on Bring The Funny [in the archives]

He’s recently sober, an ex smoker, vegan, noteably existential – at least as far as puppets go … and funny as hell.

Randy Feltface has spent fifteen years carving out a unique niche on the international comedy circuit. He was nominated for best comedy at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, played an eight week off-broadway season in New York City, featured several times at the Montreal Just For Laughs Festival and his special Randy Writes a Novel is a pirated Youtube sensation. He penned and starred in his own ABC scripted comedy Ricketts Lane alongside his skinny comedy husband Sammy J, a role that earned him an AACTA award nomination for best comedy performance. His occasional guest appearances on light-entertainment television programs in his native Australia have earned him much respect and an average income and he most recently infiltrated American television as a contestant on NBC’s Bring The Funny. His live show is a high energy existential crisis full of the kind of amusing anecdotes and biting observations that have earned him the title of World’s Most Entertaining Non-Human Comedian.

The 1st in Nicole’s 2020 NFTS Comedy Series:

If you aren’t familiar with Randy Feltface, he’s been working his purple butt off in the show biz scene for many years in his home country of Australia with a short run TV series, four full comedy specials, a plethora of hosting gigs at major Oxfam galas and a plethora of media appearances over the years.

Most recently North Americans may have had a brief peek or two at Randy when he appeared on the 1st round of TVs Bring the Funny reality comedy competition in the U.S.   While his presence on that show was far too short lived, Randy’s back and has recently launched a North American live show tour which is will go cross country in the U.S. and will even include the NFTS home town of Vancouver BC Canada on Feb 20th !

So who is Randy?

He’s recently sober, an ex smoker, vegan, noteably existential – at least as far as puppets go … and funny as hell.

Lot’s to unpack in todays hard hitting premiere puppet interview.



More Specials:


IronE Singleton is best known to audiences as the menacing kingpin Alton in the Academy® Oscar Award-nominated film THE BLIND SIDE; the biggest box office grossing sports movie of all time. He is also known as the compassionate tough guy, T-Dog, in the Emmy, AFI & WGA Award winning, Golden Globe nominated tv show THE WALKING DEAD; one of basic cable’s highest rated shows for viewership. IronE’s unusual name depicts his life story, his ability to play strong, multidimensional characters and has made him a memorable actor in both film and television.On the streets of Atlanta, the fight to survive is a daily battle.

About IronE’s book: From the drug-infested corners of one of the city’s worst housing projects, to alleyways filled with ravenous zombies– Blindsided by the Walking Dead examines one man’s battle to overcome the violence, drugs, and crime of the ‘hood; starting with a young IronE Singleton determined to succeed despite an abusive mother, an absent father, and the temptations of instant gratification inherent with the thug life.  Football and Faith in God become IronE’s allies in his quest to escape and helped him reach for the lights of the University of Georgia’s football field and theater stages.  After years of struggle–failed businesses, small roles, and an ill-fated trip to Los Angeles–IronE snags his major breakthrough role, playing the kind of drug-dealing, gun-toting thug he would have become on the streets, in The Blind Side.  When he is cast as T-Dog on AMC’s international mega-hit “The Walking Dead”, IronE examines through art what humanity is about and what it means to truly survive against all odds. Alongside cast mates Michael Rooker, Norman Reedus, Jeffrey DeMunn, and Andrew Lincoln, IronE fought, gagged, and sweat his way into the hearts and minds of millions around the world.



Reknowned Sasquatch Researcher and author – BC Based Thomas Steenburg – has been on a quest to verify the existence of ‘Sasquatch’ one way or the other since 1978. Based in Mission BC Canada, Thomas tracked 100s of alleged Sasquatch sightings throughout British Columbia, Alberta and Washington State for over 30 years. UPDATE: NFTS Producer Nicole Marie Whitney did a Ride Along on Thomas’ recent trek near Harrison Hotsprings on April 23rd, 2016. While we may not have found Sasquatch in a few hours of looking, we were hot on the trail of a cougar, a bear and a suspicious black blotch on one of our pictures shot that day. Footage and pictures posting soon at Seen a Sasquatch? Let Thomas know –




Nicole interviews Uri Geller on NFTS many times over the years:

uri geller Sunday January 18, 2015 at 11AM PST – URI GELLER ON NEWS FOR THE SOUL… World renowned psychic from the UK and perhaps the most well known “spoon bender” of all time joins in with Nicole to discuss his amazing adventures on television and with the military and more. Uri Geller is one of the world’s most investigated and celebrated mystifier. Famous around the globe for his mind-bending abilities, he has led a unique life shrouded in debate, controversy and mystery.


Nicole interviews Former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse on NFTS MANY times over 22 years and PARTICIPATED in all levels of David’s RV training – we also travelled the world, saw UFOS ‘in the middle of nowhere in Peru’, proved RV to be Proof Positive on the Los Angeles TV show of the same name, participated in the Alliance for the New Humanities in Puerto Rico and so much more:

david morehouseFormer CIA remote viewer David Morehouse – January 11, 2015 at 11AM PST – In the years since he resigned, David Morehouse has written four books:  Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA’s STARGATE Program, Nonlethal Weapons: War Without Death, Remote Viewing: The Complete Handbook for Coordinate Remote Viewing, and The Deceivers, his first work of fiction.  The latter—The Deceivers—was recently purchased by Paramount Pictures as a feature film with Mace Neufeld producing and Simon West directing.  Psychic Warrior is an international bestseller published in 14 languages.  Universal Pictures is presently developing a feature film based on David’s life story, as recounted in Psychic Warrior, to be titled Comes the WatcherNonlethal Weapon: War Without Death, is considered an academic work and has met with much critical acclaim in the world of strategic planners. Remote Viewing: The Complete Handbook for Coordinate Remote Viewing is the most comprehensive how to book available on remote viewing.




neale donald walshNEALE DONALD WALSCH ON NFTS –  Sunday Nov. 30/14 at 2pm PST – Neale has written 29 books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. Titles in the With God series include: Conversations with God, Books I–III; Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; What God Wants; and Home with God. Seven of the books in that series reached the New York Times Bestseller List, CWG-Book 1 occupying that list for over two-and-a-half years. His most recent books are When Everything Changes Change Everything (2010), The Storm Before the Calm (2011), The Only Thing That Matters (2012), What God Said (2013) and GOD’S MESSAGE TO THE WORLD: You’ve God Me All Wrong released in October, 2014.

Dannion Brinkley LIVE Nov 30/14

dannion brinkley on news for the soulDANNION BRINKLEY LIVE November 30, 2014 AT NOON PST:  Nicole’s co-host for the 1st two years of NFTS Radio is back with a timely report on his near death stories, prophecies for 2015, hospice and center updates and more.  Dannion Brinkley is a New York Times best selling author, along with being a most popular lecturer, worldwide,  in the fields of spirituality, prophecy, and self-development. He is also a highly respected, sought after expert in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as well as hospice in conjuction with palliative and end-of-life care. With co-author, Paul Perry, Dannion wrote the international spiritual classics Saved by the Light  and  At Peace in the Light


…. & sooooooooo many more.

spoon bending kit


The News for the Soul Trademark 11 Questions – 11 Things About Nicole:


1. What was your first moment of ‘beyond 3d normal awakening’?

One morning between the ages of 2 and 3, I was awakened just before dawn ‘by something’.  I looked toward the center of my room and saw illuminated ‘toys’ – a set of blocks of some sort.  I ran over and knelt before them and tried to pick them up and my hand went right through them. They appeared to be made of a ‘neon’ sort of light.


2. Who is your favourite teacher, book and movie?

Favourite teachers:

While developing News for the Soul in the first decade and a half I was blessed with wonderful teachers who I did a lot of courses and hands on training with over many years including – to name but a few –  T Harv Eker / Peak Potentials, Satyen Raja (Warrior Sage), James Ray, and especially one of my all time favourites – David Morehouse, former CIA Remote Viewer, who I’ve done extensive trainings and adventures with including mystical Peruvian excursions and mass UFO sightings and an enlightening episode of Proof Positive at Universal Studios in L.A.


Favourite books:

I am literally ALWAYS listening to audio books while I work. And there are literally too many to list here but PIVOTAL books in my life changing category of books ‘always on hand’ most definitely includes my #1 ‘bible’ Mind Power by John Kehoe.


Favourite movies:

I watch a LOT of movies. I’m always multi tasking when I’m working and watching movies online.   I ‘prescribe’ myself comedies to watch to raise my vibration daily.   That’s my ‘go to’ category and I have 100s of faves!


3. What’s the strangest experience you’ve ever had?


I teleported.  Once. Physically and fully from one room to another.  In a nano second.  For real.

It was between the ages of 9 and 11 … and one person witnessed it.

I don’t think they ever got over it.




There’s actually several things I could mention here but I just picked my ‘top one’.  It’s all of these ‘unexplained’ experiences that drive my quest to know that fuels the movement that has now become News for the Soul.



4. What’s one interesting thing we do not know about you yet?


I played bass guitar in Canada’s Foremost Female Rockband in the 80s.

We were also Canada’s ONLY female rock band at the time :–D


5. What do you feel your true life purpose to be?

Investigating and reporting the true nature of reality and empowerment for the human race.


6. What’s your favourite animal?

I love ALL animals …. I have two chihuahuas and a cat – my fur family is an integral part of my life 😀


7. What’s your favourite consciousness or energy ‘exercise’ that helps you stay connected, grounded and ‘tuned in’ in a good way?

ERV – extended remote viewing sessions as taught to me by former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse.


8. What’s your favourite music / song / musical artist?

I teach and perform bellydance five days a week and LOVE middle eastern music – the minor keys and soul wrenching vibes – the total experience of middle eastern music moves me to a whole new level of experience and I havent’ listened to ‘mainstream’ music for over a decade since my introduction to bellydance many years ago.


9. What’s your favourite food?

Upma.   😀



10. What excites your creative juices?

New Discoveries.



Art, music, dance (belly dance in particular) and creativity.


11. What’s the one thing you’d like to “shamelessly self promote” here today?




IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Because the News for the Soul platform is all about self empowerment and responsibility, please note that the opinions expressed on any of these programs are those of the hosts and participants and are not intended to and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of News for the Soul or Enlightened Enterprises or any of its owners and agents. All listeners are advised that neither News for the Soul, nor its owners and agents shall be held liable for the content of programs, including any readings or advice that is given. All listeners are advised to make their own good choices that are right for them and take full responsibility for those choices and decisions.