NICOLE MARIE WHITNEY’S NEW NEWS FOR THE SOUL HIGHLIGHTS SHOW – Nicole Marie Whitney – the founder and producer at News for the Soul, life changing talk radio from the uplifting to the unexplained since January 1997 – is the Spirit Driven Broadcaster who uses her own innovation at overcoming adversity to inspire, motivate, educate and connect people in all walks of life around the world who want to step into their full power, purpose and potential in a world inundated with negativity, limitation, overwhelm, anxiety and fear in the mainstream news. www.newsforthesoul.com
“Nicole’s energy, commitment and honesty are stellar. If you are looking for a wonderful guide on your journey, check out Nicole’s “Epic Life” program.” ~ Hayhouse Author Suze Casey, suzecasey.com
“Nicole’s heartfelt global purpose inspired me to visualize the epic vision of my own life.” Colleen Hierath, Speak, Author, www.colleenhierath.com
“We hear people say ‘anything is possible’ all of the time. Now it is time to KNOW it.” ~ Nicole Marie Whitney, News for the Soul Radio
“Nicole is an insightful woman with a message for the world. She inspires us to reach for our dreams and re-discover our childlike vision of what life could be!” ~ Spencer McDonald, Thinking Driver, www.thinkingdriver.com
One morning between the ages of 2 and 3, I was awakened just before dawn ‘by something’. I looked toward the center of my room and saw illuminated ‘toys’ – a set of blocks of some sort. I ran over and knelt before them and tried to pick them up and my hand went right through them. They appeared to be made of a ‘neon’ sort of light.
Favourite teachers:
While developing News for the Soul in the first decade and a half I was blessed with wonderful teachers who I did a lot of courses and hands on training with over many years including – to name but a few – T Harv Eker / Peak Potentials, Satyen Raja (Warrior Sage), James Ray, and especially one of my all time favourites – David Morehouse, former CIA Remote Viewer, who I’ve done extensive trainings and adventures with including mystical Peruvian excursions and mass UFO sightings and an enlightening episode of Proof Positive at Universal Studios in L.A.
Favourite books:
I am literally ALWAYS listening to audio books while I work. And there are literally too many to list here but PIVOTAL books in my life changing category of books ‘always on hand’ most definitely includes my #1 ‘bible’ Mind Power by John Kehoe.
Favourite movies:
I watch a LOT of movies. I’m always multi tasking when I’m working and watching movies online. I ‘prescribe’ myself comedies to watch to raise my vibration daily. That’s my ‘go to’ category and I have 100s of faves!
I teleported. Once. Physically and fully from one room to another. In a nano second. For real.
It was between the ages of 9 and 11 … and one person witnessed it.
I don’t think they ever got over it.
There’s actually several things I could mention here but I just picked my ‘top one’. It’s all of these ‘unexplained’ experiences that drive my quest to know that fuels the movement that has now become News for the Soul.
I played bass guitar in Canada’s Foremost Female Rockband in the 80s.
We were also Canada’s ONLY female rock band at the time :–D
Investigating and reporting the true nature of reality and empowerment for the human race.
I love ALL animals …. I have two chihuahuas and a cat – my fur family is an integral part of my life 😀
ERV – extended remote viewing sessions as taught to me by former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse.
I teach and perform bellydance five days a week and LOVE middle eastern music – the minor keys and soul wrenching vibes – the total experience of middle eastern music moves me to a whole new level of experience and I havent’ listened to ‘mainstream’ music for over a decade since my introduction to bellydance many years ago.
Upma. 😀