Soul Level Healing with Caroline on the 1st Thursday of the month at 4pm pacific starting August 1st, 2024
About Caroline
Hi, I’m Caroline and I’m here to help guide you on your intuitive healing journey.
Years ago I was a very lost soul completely on the wrong path. I was working in an industry that I was utterly miserable in. I lived my life in a state of chronic fear and anxiety. From a very young age I believed that I was “not enough”. I was an obsessive exerciser & eater in a bid to be thin because then I believed that then I would be enough, but no matter how thin I was it was never enough. This belief continued to play out all through my life especially in unhealthy self- sacrificing relationships. In order to hide away from this deep rooted belief I used alcohol as an escape and was a major party girl with no direction at all. When I hit rock bottom I realised just how physically, mentally & spiritually unhappy I was. I had always dreamed of working with natural medicine and finally I found the courage to turn my back on my old world to follow my dream. I completed my degree in Natural Medicine and through that journey I began to heal old wounds.
I opened Oceanforce Sports Performance Clinic in 2013 so that I could use my knowledge & experience to help athletes get the very best out of their performance through holistic sports nutrition, herbal medicine, supplementation & lifestyle advice. It was an absolute honour to work with such highly motivated and talented individuals. I am so very grateful for the experience. However there was more change in the wind for me….
5 years ago I gave birth to my beautiful daughter and she has been an important catalyst for the development of my new practice. Raising a spiritually gifted / star seed child is an amazing experience and can be overwhelming at the same time. However, it is through this experience that I have been able to enhance those spiritual gifts that were hidden away deep inside me. I have continued to work on myself spiritually healing old wounds. I found myself drawn to like minded souls and spiritually gifted children/starseed children. The universe was clearly speaking very loudly about my direction as a naturopath. I found my sports performance work no longer resonated, it was time to close that chapter of my natural medicine journey. I am intuitive and by combining my intuitiveness with my knowledge and experience as a Naturopath & herbalist, I believe I can help people become the best version of themselves. It is not enough to heal the physical we need to work together on all levels; the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & the etheric to really see transformation.
Take the step forward to give your body, mind & soul that self love & care that it needs and deserves. Book a consultation today to make a plan that is uniquely yours and gives you what you need most right now — from spiritual tools and mindfulness, lifestyle & nutritional advice, herbal medicine and/or nutritional supplements.
Intuitive Naturopathic Consultations
Explore your current personal health issue, health history, lifestyle, sleep, energy levels, nutrition and review your body systems.