Transference Healing with Alexis Cartwright

Nicole Marie interviews Alexis Cartwright, Transference Healing PLUS a live CHANNELLING for 2024!



Alexis Cartwright is the channel and founder of Transference Healing®. She is an Australian-based teacher who has spent the last thirty years supporting others to self-heal, self-master and create a higher reality. Alexis teaches her students how to work with frequency, light and alchemy. Her schedule includes mass healings, training events and Mystery Schools, which she facilitates to a global audience, both in-person and online.

Since she was a teenager, Alexis has always been guided to understand the universal mysteries. By the age of nineteen, she was performing psychic readings professionally. Over time, she began attuning to the grid of the planet to find answers to her many questions regarding the human spirit. Her awareness opened and her faith birthed. At the age of twenty-nine, Alexis began to channel new frequency-healing procedures. These procedures helped her clear distortions held deep within the etheric body, and to work with the alchemical properties of nature. While simultaneously attuning the grid and the patterning of the physical body and consciousness, she began to retrieve, remember and access the mysteries of the Universe. After performing healings on thousands of clients, at the age of thirty-two Alexis had completed channelling Transference Healing. A new way of healing had anchored onto the planet, incorporating the human anatomy, and the technology of light, and the grid. Alexis soon began to see that the key to ascension is self-healing, and that her true purpose was to teach others to heal themselves. She has authored a range of publications, including her landmark book – Beyond Doorways: The Mysteries revealed – and her Animal Magic Divination Set. Alexis now travels extensively to teach Transference Healing, as well as offering online trainings. She also offers online meditations and lightbody activations. Her dearest wish is to be of service to humanity in its journey of healing, mastership and ascension.





Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional healing and ascension modality that is multidimensional, comprehensive and advanced. It works with frequency, light and matter to initiate ‘transference’; a shift from one state of being into another. It is pure alchemy. Transference Healing is self-healing tool that empowers you to work with the very depths of your anatomy, consciousness and spiritual being. It unifies ancient healing wisdom with unique etheric and electromagnetic healing procedures, channelled by Alexis Cartwright. This enables Transference Healing to work with the lightbody and Merkaba. It creates intricate healing, supporting the evolutionary expansion of the planet, and the human body and consciousness. Receiving regular Transference Healing sessions, or learning to perform them for yourself, supports you to achieve and maintain a consistent level of health and wellness, while alsoconnecting you to the complexity of your divine  and inner nature. It’s a healing of hope, light and love. It enhances spiritual awakening, so you can return to a state of oneness with the omniverse and the God/Goddess.



Room ‘Beyond Doorways: The Mysteries Revealed’

Explore Your Chiron and Tap into Spiritual Empowerment

Receive a free gift of the full Chapter 6, from ‘Beyond Doorways: The Mysteries Revealed’ by Alexis Cartwright. Fill in your details and download now.




Explore Your Chiron and Tap into Spiritual Empowerment

Receive a free gift of the full Chapter 6, from ‘Beyond Doorways: The Mysteries Revealed’ by Alexis Cartwright. Fill in your details and download now.






11 Things About Alexis ….


1. What was your first moment of ‘beyond 3d normal awakening’?


As a small child I had visions of lightbeings around me.


2. Who is your favourite teacher, book and movie?


I don’t really have an Earth teacher, though I do respect many. I have always been a channeller receiving inspirational thoughts, visions and answers through messages sent from higher beings and parallel realms, so my mind has always been inspired. The Emerald Tablets (of Thoth) inspires me the most as a sacred text. My favourite movies are King Arthur (2004) and Joan of Arc (1999).


3. What’s the strangest experience you’ve ever had?


At around the age of 27, I was walking along a street when suddenly the whole world around me changed instantaneously. I immediately became suspended within another space and time. During this experience I was connected to the sacred vibration of the WORD and was given a code or key that inspired my path toward channelling the mysteries. In a few short moments of bliss my destiny and purpose was revealed to me!

4. What’s one interesting thing we do not know about you yet?


Believe it or not, I am very shy and find it very difficult to interact and communicate with people when I am not speaking about or participating in my spirituality.

5. What do you feel your true life purpose to be?


Everything I am currently living with regards to my spirituality, and my dedication to it. Even though I have anchored many teachings through Transference Healing and the Diamond Pyramid of Light, and written many publications, I still feel that I have yet to complete my most important calling, which is to write my interpretation of “The Book of Revelation”. I also feel a need to create a sacred site on Earth, to enhance more personal and universal healing. I am feeling very pulled to sacred land at the moment.


6. What’s your favourite animal?


CATS! I am also fascinated by unique species of jellyfish and other marine life.

7. What’s your favourite consciousness or energy ‘exercise’ that helps you stay connected, grounded and ‘tuned in’ in a good way?


The continual expansion process of the heart chakra and the opening of its deeper chambers through meditation, supporting the mind, body and soul to heal in unison.

8. What’s your favourite music / song / musical artist?


At the moment, Adele, but I also love Celtic music and contemporary takes on classical music.


9. What’s your favourite food?


Anything with chilli. I love international cuisine that is hot and spicy!

10. What excites your creative juices?


Spiritually; delving into and channelling universal energies. I also LOVE teaching. It is so rewarding to see others empowering themselves. That’s what brings me true joy.


11. What’s the one thing you’d like to “shamelessly self promote” here today?


I’m very excited about my new publication and workshop, which is due to be released in mid-2016. It is called the ‘Transference Healing Alchemy Deck’. I am also thrilled to announce the launch our new website – all you need to know about Transference Healing can be found there!




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