Way Shower with

Way Shower John Eitel on NFTS - Life Changing Talk Radio

  Alternate Wednesdays at 11AM PST - WAY SHOWER JOHN EITEL - - John Eitel is an internationally known Author, Speaker, Intuitive Healer and Breakthrough Specialist using his evolutionary approach to the Law of Attraction. His unique blend of the practical application of spirituality and philosophy combined with the study of breath and energy has resulted in a method that is easy to comprehend and immediately tangible. He has studied how human nature and the cultural manacles have come together to collectively confound the Greatness of the Creation. John is a global businessman and the Author of “Process of Illumination,” “Awakening the Workplace,” and “Sales Gurus.” He is the President of John Eitel & Associates.

Way Shower John Eitel on NFTS – Life Changing Talk Radio


Alternate Wednesdays at 11AM PST – WAY SHOWER JOHN EITEL – – John Eitel is an internationally known Author, Speaker, Intuitive Healer and Breakthrough Specialist using his evolutionary approach to the Law of Attraction. His unique blend of the practical application of spirituality and philosophy combined with the study of breath and energy has resulted in a method that is easy to comprehend and immediately tangible. He has studied how human nature and the cultural manacles have come together to collectively confound the Greatness of the Creation. John is a global businessman and the Author of “Process of Illumination,” “Awakening the Workplace,” and “Sales Gurus.” He is the President of John Eitel & Associates.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Because the News for the Soul platform is all about self empowerment and responsibility, please note that the opinions expressed on any of these programs are those of the hosts and participants and are not intended to and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of News for the Soul or Enlightened Enterprises or any of its owners and agents. All listeners are advised that neither News for the Soul, nor its owners and agents shall be held liable for the content of programs, including any readings or advice that is given. All listeners are advised to make their own good choices that are right for them and take full responsibility for those choices and decisions.