Your Inner Power with Linda Melanson

Your Inner Power with Linda Melanson on the 4th Saturday of the Month at Noon PST / 4PM ast starting January 28th, 2023



Linda started her healing journey over 24 years ago and went on to graduate from 3 different colleges focused on natural healing modalities. Since then she has gone on to create a powerful healing program that is changing the way people see the world as we know it. With inspirations from Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza, Dolores Cannon and many more she is an out of the box thinker and intuitive. If you are ready to take advantage of your life she is ready to guide you there.

Linda S. Melanson

Visit Linda online at







 Inner Child program

Are you ready to release the emotions and perspectives that keep you from participating in your highest version of yourself. Inner child work is some of the most powerful work we can endeavour in self development. It has been proven time and again that going back and reparenting your inner self has profound effects on the mind and emotional bodies. My clients experience overcoming addictions, depression, anxiety, loss of love, obtrusive thinking, OCD and often are stepping into their purpose, feeding thoughts that set them up to thrive in the world, taking advantage of opportunities and so much more. Dont hold yourself back any long with emotional patterns that do not serve your higher self and the reason you have come to this planet. Harness your inner power and peace by aligning mind, body and spirit together.


Linda S. Melanson

Visit Linda online at



11 Things About Linda …


  1. What was your first moment of ‘beyond 3d normal awakening’? I was 19 that was 24 years ago when I began thinking beyond 3D. I decided then that I was going to change the world. I went on to college and by the time I was 25 I knew that the only person I could change was myself and that would change the world.
  2. Who is your favourite teacher, book and movie? Teachers; hard to choose between Dolores Cannon and Joe Dispenza- Book; Osho Zen Tarot (only book I’ve read at least 50 or 60 times) Movie; Avatar
  3. What’s the strangest experience you’ve ever had? When I learned to help souls cross back to the light
  4. What’s one interesting thing we do not know about you yet? I channeled a set of runes and use them to help people by doing readings on Facebook, Instigram, and YouTube
  5. What do you feel your true life purpose to be? Is to spread light and awareness in the world.
  6. What’s your favourite animal? Both cats and dogs
  7. What’s your favourite consciousness or energy ‘exercise’ that helps you stay connected, grounded and ‘tuned in’ in a good way? Connecting to earth (Gaia) aligning my chakras, and then connecting to divine energy and channeling that divine energy to the earth and everything on it.
  8. What’s your favourite music / song / musical artist? I wrote and play music myself so I have a few I really like from me.. I’m probably biased ;)… I love Elton John, Beatles, Jewel, Incubus.. so hard to choose just one.
  9. What’s your favourite food? Raw vegetarian lasagna
  10. What excites your creative juices? Hearing other people play music and dancing
  11. What’s the one thing you’d like to “shamelessly self promote” here today? Inner Child program- Are you ready to release the emotions and perspectives that keep you from participating in your highest version of yourself. Inner child work is some of the most powerful work we can endeavour in self development. It has been proven time and again that going back and reparenting your inner self has profound effects on the mind and emotional bodies. My clients experience overcoming addictions, depression, anxiety, loss of love, obtrusive thinking, OCD and often are stepping into their purpose, feeding thoughts that set them up to thrive in the world, taking advantage of opportunities and so much more. Dont hold yourself back any long with emotional patterns that do not serve your higher self and the reason you have come to this planet. Harness your inner power and peace by aligning mind, body and spirit together.


Linda S. Melanson


Visit Linda online at



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