Attuned Health with Attuned Health
Attuned Health - Attuned Health with Ascenta Dec 14/21 TODAY: A Presentation on Biofield Tuning & a Group Tuning!
December 14, 2021
with Ascenta Fields
4pm pacific
Attuned Health with Ascenta on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month 4pm PST starting Nov.9/21
Live a life of health and vitality
My name is Ascenta Fields. I was born in Ireland and moved to Australia 33 years ago. As a child I had a love of nature and a curiosity about how illness could be cured. My interest in and passion for holistic health and wellbeing spans many decades.
I started my Registered Nurse training when I was 18 years old and after qualifying I practiced in 3 countries in many specialised areas. I have studied and trained extensively for the past 30 years in many areas of Holistic Health and Healing, Human Potential, Personal Growth and Conscious Evolution. I offer many modalities as services that support a holistic path to achieving vibrant health and wellbeing, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.