Empathic Mastery with Empathic Mastery

Empathic Mastery - Empathic Mastery with Jennifer on NFTS March-15-2019 – Drowning in the Emotional Soup?

March 15, 2019
with Jennifer Moore

10am pacific:

Drowning in the Emotional Soup? On this show Modern Medicine Lady Jennifer Moore will focus on a question that impact so many empaths. “What do we do when people we love are in a dark place?” Listen to hear the answer and then tap along to shift this.

Empathic Mastery on alternate Fridays at 10am pacific time starting February 15, 2019 – Jennifer Moore is a healer, teacher and spiritual mentor for sensitive, intuitive women who need help controlling the empathic overwhelm that keeps them stuck in their life and business. As an empathic woman herself, she has had to learn how to manage her sensitivities in order to navigate the world with confidence and ease. Her need to ‘find calm in the eye of life’s storms’ led her on a healing path which led her to become a practitioner who supports others with the same challenges.  Jennifers credentials include a Master of Arts in Psychology & Religion, being an AAMET EFT Practitioner and Trainer, a long time practitioner of the Silva Method and a Reiki Master as well as various shamanic and empathy trainings.  She helps people break through fear, overcome the past and claim their intuitive gifts.

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