Healing Through Tarot with Healing Through Tarot

Healing Through Tarot - Healing Through Tarot with Christine on NFTS April 20/22

April 20 2022
with Christine Emond

3pm pacific: Healing Through Tarot with Christine on the 3rd Tuesday of the month SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS INTUTIVE TAROT CARD READINGS HIGHER HEART HEALING About Christine Christine is an Intuitive Tarot Card Reader & Energy Healer who assists those on their Spiritual Journey, who are willing, ready, and able to do the work necessary to bring them into alignment with their soul’s path, mission, and divine purpose. Her divination tools of choice include Tarot/Oracle cards, pendulums, and channeling via automatic writing. She considers herself to be an Intuitive Empath, Starseed, Way-Shower, Truth-Seeker, and an Agent for change with multiple developed Clair senses.  VIEW PROFILE >

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