Living a Guided Lifestyle - Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas on NFTS April 26-17
April 26, 2017
with Fred Haas
ALTERNATE THURSDAYS 10AM PST / 1PM EST – Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas on NFTS in 2016 –BASED IN USA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE JANUARY 7, 2016 – Fred Haas’s mission is to rally people who have gone temporarily off course to remember who they are and remind them why they are here. Ultimately they then can affect their own lives and the lives of others and make a difference in the world.Fred trained as a civil engineer and spent over 30 years doing engineering work and adapted his “Engineers – Turning Dreams into Reality” theme into his life coaching work.Fred Haas coaches clients, and teaches coaching at Crossroads Recovery Coaching. He is also the current President of the Board of Directors for Recovery Coaches International.