Sacred Healing - Sacred Healing with Felice on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 11am PST starting January 28th, 2020
January 28, 2020
with Felice
11am pacific:
Sacred Healing with Felice on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 11am PST starting January 28th, 2020
I am a Mystic and Enlightened Healer, a Reiki Master Teacher, a Spiritual Massage Therapist, a Pediatric Massage Therapist, and a Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist. I am an Intuitive Life Coach, however my highest qualification is that in 2012 I had the most profound Encounter with The Divine in which I transcended, in waking hours, into the arms of the most Sacred Powerful Loving Energy of Total Perfection. This was REVELATION and ENLIGHTENMENT – A CALL TO SERVICE. I was given the gift of “SACRED FUSION ENERGY.”
I was given this gift to share with others in numerous ways – through my heart, intuition, hands and words. I am here to help you uncover the gifts buried within you First you have to choose to go on this sacred journey to find out who you really are. I will help you map out the path and together we will dig in the right places. I am here to help you find your peace, love, purpose and wholeness. You will be in awe as you put the pieces of the puzzle together.
I am here to help you to connect to the Spirit that fuels the very life we live. Living with this awareness can dramatically enhance and enrich your life in order to live a more unified human experience. At the heart of each of us lies something deeper and more profound than can be imagined. To get a glimpse of this Divine power and energy is the most sublime experience a person can have.