Spirit Connections & Healing with Spirit Connections & Healing

Spirit Connections & Healing - Spirit Connections & Healing with Kayla & Monique July 21, 2020

July 21, 2020
with Monique & Kayla

10am pacific:


Spirit Connections & Healing with Kayla & Monique on the 3RD Tuesday of the Month at 10am PACIFIC

TODAY:  All about our invisible spiritual helpers.

We have a variety of beings in Spirit helping us from the other side- we discuss all of these helpers from spirit guides, to guardian angels, to loved ones in this show!

Monique Gagnon is a certified spiritual medium and psychic reader, as well as an Angel Card reader. Her psychic abilities were already present in her life at a young age. As a child, she could always sense and feel spirits around her, and would always have deceased loved ones come to her in dreams, after their passing. Monique has always been drawn to helping people. She became a nurse for 18 years, then transitioned careers and became a personal trainer and yoga instructor. Monique then felt a strong pull in her life, to further explore her psychic abilities. She has taken numerous spiritual courses and workshops over the last 7 years and continues to do so. Monique also became a “certified” medium through the spiritual school of Carmel Joy Baird  in 2017 and by Kristel Kernaghan (Divine Clarity) in 2018. Kayla Gagnon is a certified Reiki master, certified ThetaHealing practitioner, a certified medium by Kristel Kernaghan (Divine Clarity) in 2018 and a psychic and Angel Card reader. Kayla was always interested in all things spiritual and metaphysical. Kayla has always had the ability to sense and feel spirits, as well as read the energy of others. Kayla received her first Reiki attunement at the age of 16, and has continued to receive further spiritual courses and certifications over the past 10 years. Kayla works as an elementary school teacher, and loves sharing her passion for healing with children and adults alike.

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