Transform Your Worklife with Transform Your Worklife
Transform Your Worklife - Transform Your Work Life with Wai Cheung on NFTS – Feb 28-2017 – – 3 Simple Tools for Creating a Work Life doing what you Love”
Feb 28, 2017
with Wai Cheung
Transform Your Work Life with Wai Cheung on NFTS – 4TH Tuesday of the Month at NOON PST / 3PM EST beginning January 24, 2017 – BASED IN THE U.K. – AN NFTS MESSENGER OF LIGHT SINCE JANUARY 2017 – Wai Cheung is the author of the forthcoming book Consciousness Made Simple: Break Your Patterns of Limitation, Act From the Heart, and be of Greatest Service to All . He is a leading coach and therapist specialising in Energy and Emotion and works with Heart-Centred Professionals who feel trapped in a career or job that drains the life out of them. Wai can help you feel Free, Excited, and Energised about a work life doing what you love!
ABOUT WAI’S SHOW TODAY: February 28th 12pm Pacific – 8pm GMT – 9PM CET 3 Simple Tools for creating a Conscious Work Life, Doing what You Love Join us on this Mini-workshop focusing on the main obstacles that stop you from doing what you love and the tools you need Change the top 3 blockages that are currently stopping you! I will teach you simple, practical, and effective tools that change the mind-set, the feeling, and the energy around creating a Work Life doing what you love. In this session you will: * Identifying the blocks stopping you from having a meaningful Work Life * Break free of the blocks and start to move towards a work life doing what you love * Come away with simple, practical tools that you can use immediately IF you use these tools you will start to break your internal limitations and move forward towards a meaningful work Life that can really make a difference! ———————————————————————