Breaking Through with Grace with Breaking Through with Grace

Breaking Through with Grace - Breaking Through with Grace Gedeon – on NFTS July-3-17: Today: Carolyn Flower and gratitude.

July 3, 2017
with Grace Gedeon

Breaking Through with Grace Gedeon – Alternate Mondays 3pm PST / 6PM EST on NFTS Beginning February 27, 2017  – BASED IN AUSTRALIA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE JANUARY 2017  –  Grace is an International Life Coach with a unique capacity to intuitively and clinically diagnose the psychological factors that stand in the way of your success and fulfillment. She teaches effective techniques to help you transform any area of your life in a deep and long lasting way & assists you to resolve current life issues through her ability to tune into the repressed psychological and emotional traumas from your past. TODAY: Grace’s guest is Carolyn Flower author of Gravitate 2 Gratitude . The topic is GRATITUDE WELLNESS.

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