Tapping For the Soul with Brad Yates

Tapping For the Soul - Tapping For The Soul with ‘EFT Wizard’ Brad Yates TODAY:  Tapping for clearer minds…

Oct 7, 2019
with Brad Yates

noon pacific:

Call in for live EFT sessions with the one and only Brad Yates!  (646) 595 4274 

TODAY:  Tapping for clearer minds...

brad yatesTapping For The Soul with ‘EFT Wizard’ Brad Yates on alternate Mondays at NOON PST / 3PM EST –  An NFTS Consciousness Warrior broadcasting from the USA since January 8th, 2009 –Call in for an EFT Session with Brad on the air: (646) 595 4274 … We’ll start our week right – clearing our blocks to a great week using Emotional Freedom Tapping technique with “EFT Wizard” Brad Yates — Brad Yates is known on News for the Soul Radio as “The EFT Wizard” due to his profound ability to clear energy blocks on deep levels through the use of EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique – often facilitating fast life changing results for News for the Soul listeners around the world. www.BradYates.net – see the tapping points here —— SPONSOR OF THE DAYwww.LoveBeyondBelief.com

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