Whole Heart Alchemy with Lila Solnick

Whole Heart Alchemy - Whole Heart Alchemy with Lila – Sept. 8/23 Heart Wall Healings

September 8, 2023
with Lila Solnick

noon pacific:

Whole Heart Alchemy with Lila on the 2nd Friday of the month at noon PST starting November 18th, 2022

Lila Solnick

I started Whole Heart Alchemy to help those who wish to feel more connected, lighter of heart and more open to the possibilities of this existence. It is our birthright to live in joy and happiness – these come from within. So many are living from a place of fear, and they cannot imagine living without it. However, it is possible! There are many different paths towards freedom. The Body Code™ and Emotion Code® are terrific tools to help you get there. Come with me on this journey to discover who you really are. I will share with you how I broke free. The world beyond the chains of fear is beautiful, beyond your wildest dreams.

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