Soul Level Healing - Soul Level Healing with Caroline TODAY: Essential Oils with guest Michelle Blakely
Oct 3/24
with Caroline Kemp
4pm pacific:
Soul Level Healing with Caroline on the 1st Thursday of the month at 4pm pacific
TODAY: Essential Oils with guest Michelle Blakely from whole hearted holistic health.
About Caroline
Hi, I’m Caroline and I’m here to help guide you on your intuitive healing journey.
Years ago I was a very lost soul completely on the wrong path. I was working in an industry that I was utterly miserable in. I lived my life in a state of chronic fear and anxiety. From a very young age I believed that I was “not enough”. I was an obsessive exerciser & eater in a bid to be thin because then I believed that then I would be enough, but no matter how thin I was it was never enough. This belief continued to play out all through my life especially in unhealthy self- sacrificing relationships. In order to hide away from this deep rooted belief I used alcohol as an escape and was a major party girl with no direction at all. When I hit rock bottom I realised just how physically, mentally & spiritually unhappy I was. I had always dreamed of working with natural medicine and finally I found the courage to turn my back on my old world to follow my dream. I completed my degree in Natural Medicine and through that journey I began to heal old wounds. FULL PROFILE: Soul Level Healing | (