Change Heals with Change Heals

Change Heals - Change Heals with Tara McInteer Dec-18-2018 TODAY: Honoring Your Partner Part 2

Dec 18, 2018
with Tara McInteer

11am pacific:

TODAY:  Honoring Your Partner Part 2

Change Heals with Tara McInteer at 11am PACIFIC on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month on News for the Soul  – An NFTS Messenger of Light broadcasting from North America since January 16th, 2018 – Tara McInteer is a certified Tibetan Tantra Practitioner and Holistic Health Practitioner. She studied at Grant MacEwan to complete the Holistic Health Program with Tantric Instructor, Devi Ward one of the founders of Tibetan Tantra (Authentic Tantra). Tara offers the opportunity to enhance your Pleasure and work with you to utilize this beautiful energy as medicine for healing; not just sexually but spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically as well. This work came about after her decision to make a major change, a decision to get the most out of my Life in every aspect, especially the spiritual aspect. This active choice led to the beginning of an extremely adventurous healing journey (which is still in progress)! Through her continued use of my holistic modalities and Tibetan Tantric practices she has come to soothe, mend, and rebuild different areas of her Life. Tune in for Tara to share these powerful tools with you, and work with you to bring more happiness, connection, and pleasure into your Life. And in doing so, potentially change our world!

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