Air Date Description Audio
July 31/24 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
Physicist Tom Campbell attempts to teleport into NFTS Studios LIVE ON THE AIR

Meet Tom Campbell

A nuclear physicist who worked in the NASA systems risk analysis, Tom also championed for more than 50 years the drug-free research into altered states of consciousness. Through systematic exploration of his own consciousness, Tom was able to develop a scientific model of reality explaining how and why the physical world only exists in our minds. 

Guests: Tom Campbell
January 18/16 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
The News for the Soul PERU Mass Ufo Sighting – Audio !!
  In 2005, Nicole Marie Whitney ventured into 'the middle of no where" in central Peru along with former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse and a group of 20 fellow remote viewers representing a fairly mainstream cross section of people from doctors and military to business owners and authors alike. After a strange 'connection' experience, Nicole along with the entire group, witnessed a dramatic series of mass ufo sightings, the last of which she managed to get on film. This is the audio of that final sighting.
Guests: UFOs
January 27, 2022 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
CB FOR THE SOUL Amazing Highlights from The Freedom Convoy 2022 Movement! HEAR THEIR PROGRESS 1ST HAND JAN 27/22

CB FOR THE SOUL Amazing Highlights from The Freedom Convoy 2022 Movement! HEAR THEIR PROGRESS 1ST HAND JAN 27/22

  News for the Soul is airing DAILY highlight audios from the LIVE CB FEED of the Truckers Freedom Convoy!  Tune in for free 24/7  www.NewsfortheSoul.com  
Guests: Freedom Convoy 2022
July 22, 2014 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
Nicole Interviews Bruce Lipton 2014
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences. Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering. DR LIPTON'S NEW BOOK: The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Guests: Bruce Lipton
April 11, 2017 Nicole Marie Interviews with Nicole Marie Whitney
NFTS FOUNDER NICOLE MARIE WHITNEY INTERVIEWS GREGG BRADEN – Tuesday APRIL 11, 2017 at 10AM PST / 11AM MTN / 1PM EST – New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and the real world! Since 1986 Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today. His discoveries have led to 11 award-winning books published in 38 languages. In his compelling revised edition of his book The Turning Point, best-selling author and visionary Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to reveal the strategies for embracing stressful change in our lives. This updated edition contains an all-new chapter not included in the original release, featuring material on the surprising discovery of brain-like cells— sensory neurites —located within the human heart, and the role they play in creating personal resilience. The powerful heart-brain connection made possible by these cells is now recognized as a portal to the deepest levels of our intuition and heart-based intelligence as well as a gateway to the subconscious mind.  

TODAY:  Hear about Gregg's latest work, the 'brain cells' of the heart and why they are important and discover live and in the moment how you can track and affect the energy of the global community on planet earth right now.

Guests: Gregg Braden


Air Date Description Audio
May 31/16 Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin Ehlke
Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – May-31-16

Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – Tuesdays at Noon PST / 3PM EST with Medium and Healer Meilin Ehlke BASED IN GERMANY – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE NOV. 2014  – Meilin Ehlke, world-renowned artist and healer, guides visionaries and thought leaders from around the world to bloom into their beauty. For ten years, she has helped others to feel whole, rejuvenated, and empowered to seek their chosen path in happiness and truth. Because of Meilin’s ability to facilitate physical change into an expanded state, her clients feel receptive to what is offered and sustained by their specific universal wisdom. Her astounding ability to connect with the source wisdom is what helps others flourish into their true-selves. Her healer side loves to live in the moment, embracing the surprises on her adventures through life. It is in the unfolding mystery of each day where Meilin embodies herself fully – expanded into divine essence.

Guests: Meilin
May 31/16 Conversational Healing with Meilin Ehlke
Conversational Healing with Cathy – May 31/16: TODAY: Emotional Seasons…

Alternate Tuesdays 11am PST / 2PM PST – Conversational Healing with Cathy Cavanagh BASED IN IRELAND – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE JAN. 2015 – Cathy uses a unique blend of spiritual gifts with systematic universally accepted coaching and mentoring modalities, (Life Coaching, NLP Practitioner, Energy Psychology Practitioner) to assist her clients on their souls journey. Her approach is both deeply insighful and practically based. She assists her clients in ‘reframing’ which takes pieces of a clients life and shift the perspective to show an opportunity or a pathway that wasn’t apparent before. Also a gifted psychic medium, Cathy communicates with those passed to spirit, providing evidence of existence and passing messages of comfort and support to their loved ones.

Guests: Cathy Cavanagh
May 31/16 Enlightenment In The City with Elle Tara
Elle Tara – Enlightenment in the City – May 31/16
Alternate Thursdays at 2PM PST / 5PM EST – ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE CITY WITH Elle Tara – OPEN LINES TODAY – CALL IN FOR GUIDANCE & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING (646) 595 4274 Elle Tara is a public speaker and a spiritual teacher with many intense formal and “off the beaten path” trainings under her belt.  As an enlightenment columnist for over two years, she used humorous life lessons to connect and bring laughter to her readers.  Strong yet soft, compassionate with a heart, she lives the consciousness of being feminine with strength.  Elle tells it like it is and will dive into the truth about what people don’t like to talk about in the enlightenment realms.  

Guests: Elle Tara
May 25/16 Listen Absorb & Heal with Elle Tara
Listen Absorb & Heal with Lisa – Channeled Music on NFTS May 25/16
Listen Absorb & Heal with Lisa Davis-Peters – Alternate Thursdays at 11AM PST ON NFTS  Lisa is a Source-based channel who provides an easy tool for support and healing:  channeled music. Lisa can channel the exact healing frequencies you need into music that support and heals. All you have to do is… Listen, Absorb, & Heal … Lisa, a musician since 7, embarked on her own healing journey on which she Lisa realized that true healing means going within and connecting with the deepest parts of our being.  Lisa now channels consciously through spoken word and hands on energy healing which evolved into channeling healing energies through music.
Guests: Lisa Davis-Peters
May 26/16 Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas
Living a Guided Lifestyle – Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas May 26/16 on News for the Soul Radio
ALTERNATE THURSDAYS 10AM PST / 1PM EST starting January 7, 2016 – Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas on NFTS in 2016 Fred Haas’s mission is to rally people who have gone temporarily off course to remember who they are and remind them why they are here. Ultimately they then can affect their own lives and the lives of others and make a difference in the world.Fred trained as a civil engineer and spent over 30 years doing engineering work and adapted his “Engineers – Turning Dreams into Reality” theme into his life coaching work.Fred Haas coaches clients, and teaches coaching at Crossroads Recovery Coaching. He is also the current President of the Board of Directors for Recovery Coaches International.

Guests: Fred Haas
May 30/16 Connect to Creator with Fred Haas
“Connect to Creator” with Katherine & Kim Bright on –May-30-16

Katherine Bright on News for the Soul Radio“Connect to Creator” with Katherine Bright on Mondays at 5pm PST / 8PM EST – BASED IN AUSTRALIA – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE OCT. 2013  – Katherine & Kim Bright – every Monday at 5pm PST beginning January 6, 2014 – Katherine has worked for over 27 years as a spiritual counsellor and energetic healer.  She is an accredited Naturopath, Bowen therapist, Iridologist, Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Teacher, medical intuitive and the founder and teacher of a spiritual and holistic form of healing known as “Theta Resonance At All Levels”.

Guests: Katherine & Kim Bright
May 30/16 Crystal Connections with Fred Haas
Crystal Connections with Adam Barralet – NFTS May-30-16


Mondays at 4pm PST / 7PM EST– Crystal Connections with Adam Barralet BASED IN AUSTRALIA – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE MARCH 2015  – Renowned presenter, teacher, writer, healer and crystal alchemist Adam Barralet has been observing and living in tune with nature since childhood.  Growing up amongst the trees and wildlife of the hills of Western Australia and residing around the world has presented diverse opportunities to access extensive and eclectic teachings of the secrets of Mother Earth.   All this knowledge he takes back to nature, with a crystal in hand, and the Moon as a consort to rediscover the ways of old and how crystals can again be used to help us in this new age.  This deep relationship and understanding has allowed him to teach countless individuals and groups around the world how to change their lives, finding balance and peace, through the power of crystals.

Guests: Adam Barralet
May 30/16 Your Gay BFF with Fred Haas
Your Gay BFF with Chad on NFTS May-30-16: Today: guest host Elizabeth Gould

Your Gay BFF with Chad, Alternate Mondays at 3PM PST Starting 1-11-2016 on NFTS BASED IN USA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE JANUARY 2016 –  Chad is a life coach, a PhD student, an intuitive with four active spirit guides, an author, a speaker, an ordained minister and a relationship expert. He’s “been around the block a few times” says nothing inspires him more than helping clients realize how amazing, how powerful, and how resilient they really are.  TODAY: Special Guest Host Elizabeth Gould

Guests: Chad
May 30/16 Enlightenment In The City with Elle Tara
ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE CITY WITH Elle Tara – May 30/16 on News for the Soul
Alternate Thursdays at 2PM PST / 5PM EST – ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE CITY WITH Elle Tara – OPEN LINES TODAY – CALL IN FOR GUIDANCE & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING (646) 595 4274 Elle Tara is a public speaker and a spiritual teacher with many intense formal and “off the beaten path” trainings under her belt.  As an enlightenment columnist for over two years, she used humorous life lessons to connect and bring laughter to her readers.  Strong yet soft, compassionate with a heart, she lives the consciousness of being feminine with strength.  Elle tells it like it is and will dive into the truth about what people don’t like to talk about in the enlightenment realms.

Guests: Elle Tara
May 26/16 Millionaire Mindset with Elle Tara
Millionaire Mindset on NFTS – Anita Wheeler interviews Health Wealth Coach Fran Henry May 26/16

“The Millionaire Mindset” with Anita Wheeler on NFTS – Alternate Thursdays 3pm PST / 6pm EST starting January 7, 2015 – As a Millionaire Mindset Coach and Breakthrough Coach, Anita Wheeler teaches others how to breakthrough barriers to create and manifest the life they want. Her programs apply the same techniques she has used in her career and spiritual journey. A single mother, she balanced her spiritual journey and early career in commercial real estate to become one of Atlanta, Georgia’s, Top Ten Women Entrepreneurs. As a Transformational and Breakthrough Coach, she helps others create a success mindset in all areas of life. By grounding in truths in applying Universal Laws, Anita expedites the awakening process and assists her audiences in reaching their highest purpose.  TODAY: The Ultimate Game of Life.  How to achieve Happiness, Health & Wealth. Coach Fran Henry & Host Anita G. Wheeler cover how to “Create Your Life by Design” and part of the magic that happens when working with a Coach.
Guests: Anita Wheeler
May 26/16 Listen Absorb & Heal with Elle Tara
Listen Absorb & Heal with Lisa Davis-Peters – NFTS – May 26/16
Listen Absorb & Heal with Lisa Davis-Peters – Alternate Thursdays at 11AM PST ON NFTS  Lisa is a Source-based channel who provides an easy tool for support and healing:  channeled music. Lisa can channel the exact healing frequencies you need into music that support and heals. All you have to do is… Listen, Absorb, & Heal … Lisa, a musician since 7, embarked on her own healing journey on which she Lisa realized that true healing means going within and connecting with the deepest parts of our being.  Lisa now channels consciously through spoken word and hands on energy healing which evolved into channeling healing energies through music.
Guests: Lisa Davis-Peters
May 26/16 Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas
Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas May 26/16 on News for the Soul Radio
ALTERNATE THURSDAYS 10AM PST / 1PM EST starting January 7, 2016 – Living a Guided Lifestyle with Fred Haas on NFTS in 2016 Fred Haas’s mission is to rally people who have gone temporarily off course to remember who they are and remind them why they are here. Ultimately they then can affect their own lives and the lives of others and make a difference in the world.Fred trained as a civil engineer and spent over 30 years doing engineering work and adapted his “Engineers – Turning Dreams into Reality” theme into his life coaching work.Fred Haas coaches clients, and teaches coaching at Crossroads Recovery Coaching. He is also the current President of the Board of Directors for Recovery Coaches International.

Guests: Fred Haas
May 24/16 Numerology with Toni with Fred Haas
Numerology & Beyond with Toni Cay Snyder – NFTS – May 24/16
Alternate Tuesdays 1pm PST / 4pm EST – Numerology & Beyond with Toni Cay Snyder BASED IN USA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE JUNE 2015 – Beginning June 9th, 2015: Toni Cay Snyder is a numerologist and graduate of long time NFTS Numerology Expert Joseph Ghabi’s trainings.  While she continues Joseph’s tradition on NFTS, she brings her own combination of skills to the mix including life coaching, reiki, hospice work and a phd in holistic nutrition.  Toni’s mission is to inspire clients to break the bonds holding them back from fulfilling their potential and live happier, healthier, more positive lives.

Guests: Toni Cay Snyder
May 24/16 Luminary for Emergence with Fred Haas
Luminary for Emergence with Suzanne Ragan Lentz – MAY 24/16 on NFTS
4TH Tuesday of the Month at 4PM PST – Luminary for Emergence with Suzanne Ragan Lentz – [starting SEPT 22nd, 2015]  Suzanne is an intuitive hailing from Maryland USA who has studied energetic modalities including Reiki, Alchemical Healing, shamanism, energy intuition, and shamanic herbalism.  She works with clients worldwide as a clairaudient, clairsentient, channel, and energy intuitive, specializing in strengthening the connection between the human body and soul so one can fully birth their business, baby, or self into the world by heightening the frequency of one’s energetic body inline with one’s higher self.  www.suzanneraganlentz.com

Guests: Suzanne Ragan Lentz
May 24/16 The Empowered Messenger with Fred Haas
The Empowered Messenger with Amethyst Wyldfyre – NFTS – May 24/16
On the 4TH Tuesday of the Month at 3PM PST / 6PM EST – The Empowered Messenger with Amethyst Wyldfyre – BASED IN USA – AN NFTS MESSENGER OF LIGHT SINCE 2009 – Call in for your Prosperity Readings and more (646) 595 4274 – Amethyst Wyldfyre – The Speakers Shaman &  Empowered Messenger Master Mentor is an Internationally known Speaker, Spiritual Leader and Transformation Artist.  She is passionate about serving visionary leaders and conscious entrepreneurs who want to LEAP fearlessly into their highest level of service to the planet and who want to profit handsomely from following their Spiritual path.

Guests: Amethyst Wyldfyre
May 24/16 Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin Ehlke
Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – NFTS – May 24/16

Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – Tuesdays at Noon PST / 3PM EST with Medium and Healer Meilin Ehlke BASED IN GERMANY – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE NOV. 2014  – Meilin Ehlke, world-renowned artist and healer, guides visionaries and thought leaders from around the world to bloom into their beauty. For ten years, she has helped others to feel whole, rejuvenated, and empowered to seek their chosen path in happiness and truth. Because of Meilin’s ability to facilitate physical change into an expanded state, her clients feel receptive to what is offered and sustained by their specific universal wisdom. Her astounding ability to connect with the source wisdom is what helps others flourish into their true-selves. Her healer side loves to live in the moment, embracing the surprises on her adventures through life. It is in the unfolding mystery of each day where Meilin embodies herself fully – expanded into divine essence.

Guests: Meilin
May 24/16 GET ZEN with Meilin Ehlke
Thomas DiLeva on NFTS May 24/16

GET ZEN on Alternate  Tuesdays at 11AM PST / 2PM EST with Thomas DiLeva  – BASED IN SWEDEN – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE APRIL 2014 – Thomas Di Leva is the founder and creator of Zenmind Affirmations. He is a personal development coach and meditation expert with more than 25 years of experience in the field of personal development and spirituality. He’s been coaching 1000s of people in his home country of Sweden via TV and live events for 20 years. Thomas is also a highly acclaimed swedish singer/songwriter for 30 years. He has had numerous hitsongs on Swedish radio since the 1980s. To  Visit Thomas Di Leva´s Blog “Personal Development To Unleash Your Highest Power” … Here’s the link to Thomas’s AMAZING Zen Mind Affirmations Program that Nicole mentioned on the air!  Click here and enjoy >>

Guests: Thomas DiLeva
May 21/16 Healing, Intuition & Animals with Meilin Ehlke
Healing Intuition & Animals with Lori Spagna on NFTS May 21/16

Healing Intuition & Animals with Lori Spagna on Alternate Mondays at NOON PST  / 3PM EST – BASED IN USA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE August 2014 – Tap into YourTrue Power with Intuitive Guidance, Animal Communication, Sacred Energy Healing & Activations and DNA Upgrades for People and Animals… Lori Spagna radically transformed her life after a series of near death experiences while living in Maui.  She is a best selling author of the book, ‘How Psychic Are You?: 7 Simple Steps to Unlocking Your Psychic Potential’ as well as ‘Animals in the Afterlife’ and ‘Learn Animal Communication’, as well as the author of the upcoming book, ‘2 Years in Maui’. Lori has over 20 years of experience serving humans and animals around the world and is an internationally recognized speaker, author and teacher who provides seminars and workshops for spiritually minded animal lovers about how we can improve our lives by learning from animals.  As a visionary and Lightworker, Intuitive and Healer, Lori leads powerful manifestation and healing circles where she assists people and their pets to improve their lives by tapping into their true power via The Universal Source which exists within and connects us all.  Lori also provides and provides Sacred Energy Activations and DNA Upgrades for people and animals.

Guests: Lori Spagna
May 21/16 Bridging The Paradigms with Meilin Ehlke
Bridging the Paradigms with Robyn M Fritz – NFTS – May 21/16


Bridging the Paradigms with Robyn M Fritz – Alternate Mondays at 1pm PST / 4PM EST – BASED IN USA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE JUNE 2014 – Medium, Animal Communicator & Intuitive Coach Robyn M Fritz MA MBA – Robyn is a medium, animal communicator, and intuitive coach. An award-winning author, she also offers space clearings, house blessings, and intuitive talks and workshops. She combines over 25 years of creative business experience with practical, intuitive insight to help people get an edge in their personal and business lives. Robyn works with Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz, an ancient power crystal who is a healer and truth-bringer.

Guests: Robyn Fritz & Fallon
May 21/16 Crystal Connections with Meilin Ehlke
Crystal Connections with AdamBarralet – May 21/16


Mondays at 4pm PST / 7PM EST– Crystal Connections with AdamBarralet BASED IN AUSTRALIA – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE MARCH 2015  – Renowned presenter, teacher, writer, healer and crystal alchemist Adam Barralet has been observing and living in tune with nature since childhood.  Growing up amongst the trees and wildlife of the hills of Western Australia and residing around the world has presented diverse opportunities to access extensive and eclectic teachings of the secrets of Mother Earth.   All this knowledge he takes back to nature, with a crystal in hand, and the Moon as a consort to rediscover the ways of old and how crystals can again be used to help us in this new age.  This deep relationship and understanding has allowed him to teach countless individuals and groups around the world how to change their lives, finding balance and peace, through the power of crystals.

Guests: Adam Barralet
May 21/16 Connect to Creator with Meilin Ehlke
“Connect to Creator” with Katherine & Kim Bright on NFTS May 21/16

Katherine Bright on News for the Soul Radio“Connect to Creator” with Katherine & Kim Bright on Mondays at 5pm PST / 8PM EST – BASED IN AUSTRALIA – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE OCT. 2013  – Katherine & Kim Bright – every Monday at 5pm PST beginning January 6, 2014 – Katherine has worked for over 27 years as a spiritual counsellor and energetic healer.  She is an accredited Naturopath, Bowen therapist, Iridologist, Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Teacher, medical intuitive and the founder and teacher of a spiritual and holistic form of healing known as “Theta Resonance At All Levels”.

Guests: Katherine & Kim Bright
May 20/16 Psychic Love Doctor with Deborah Leigh
‘Psychic Love Doctor’ Deborah Leigh and Friends – NFTS – May 20/16

Sundays at 9am PST / NOON EST – ‘Psychic Love Doctor’ Deborah Leigh and FriendsBASED IN USA — AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE JULY 2014  – Since 1996,  Deborah has done readings with a deck of ordinary playing cards using the Personal Prophesy card reading method her grandmother taught her in 1982.  The Personal Prophesy card reading method is a unique, powerful, life-affirming system. Deborah is able to really ‘zero in’ on specific issues with relationships, careers, & roadblocks to success. Deborah says the readings are “like having a new pair of eyes capable of seeing us through the darkest of days to guide us toward paths of hope, promise and fulfillment”. “You won’t consider yourself helpless again!”

Guests: Deborah Leigh & Friends
May 20/16 Written In Your Hands with Deborah Leigh
Written in Your Hands with Renee Marie, Certified Life Purpose Hand Analyst – May-20-16
 Alternate Fridays NOON PST / 3PM EST: Written in Your Hands with Renee Marie, Certified Life Purpose Hand Analyst – CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR ON NFTS SINCE NOVEMBER 2015 BASED IN VANCOUVER BC CANADA –  Renee Marie is an Advanced Scientific Life Purpose Hand Analyst, certified by Richard Unger of the International Institute of Hand Analysis. Renee loves to help conscious women or retirees who are in a life transition or people who are simply feeling stuck or directionless or are in a successful career but it’s not soul satisfying and the person knows there is something else for them. There is no guessing about this – it is Written In Your Hands!

Guests: Renee Marie
May 19/16 Healthy Minds with Deborah Leigh
HEALTHY MINDS WITH DALENE ON NFTS – May-19-16 – TODAY: Empowering the Wounded Inner Child
HEALTHY MINDS WITH DALENE ON NFTS – Alternate Thursdays 4pm pst starting January 14, 2016 – Dalene Knowles is a Intuitive Counsellor, Meditation Teacher, Healing Facilitator since 2000 and the Founder of Healthy Minds Holistic Services.  Based in Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Dalene helps clients worldwide meditate, heal and overcome stressful childhood events, and unsettling and difficult times.  TODAY: Empowering the Wounded Inner Child
Guests: Dalene Knowles
May 19/16 The Spirit Doctor with Deborah Leigh
The Spirit Doctor Dr Daniel Houtman – May-19-16 – TODAY: WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY IN LIFE?

Alternate Thursdays at 3PM PST – The Spirit Doctor Dr Daniel Houtman – – BASED IN AUSTRALIA – AN NFTS CONSCIOUSNESS WARRIOR SINCE FEBRUARY 2015  – Known national and internationally as ‘the Spirit Doctor’, Daniel is a Healer with unusual and beautiful gifts. Dr Houtman has worked and studied with Native American healers, traditional healers in Africa, Taoist and Buddhist Qi Gong Masters in China, Baliyans in Indonesia, Buddhist priests and Tenrikyo priests in Japan and Indigenous Australian healers (Nungkaris). He coupled his spiritual learnings with academic learnings, has a Masters degree in Counselling and is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and specializes in Qi Gong, a 5000 year old method of preventative techniques for health and healing.  TODAY: WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY IN LIFE?

Guests: Dr Daniel Houtman
May 19/16 Normal Chick Who Channels with Deborah Leigh
SAM & Maureen Becker – May-19-16 – TODAY: How Media Controls Your View of Your World
“Just a Normal Chick Who Channels” with Maureen Becker – ALTERNATE THURSDAYS 11AM PST / 2PM EST ON NFTS Starting January 14/16 Maureen Becker channels angels and spirit guides who offer you the tools you need to create an empowered life. She uses a unique “integrated” channeling style. The Guides meld with Maureen to the degree where she does not have to channel them ‘full channel’ but instead can channel their energies with her personality in place.  When Maureen first channelled, she was unable to ‘integrate’ like this, but over the eight years, SAM has taught her the ability to convey this channelled guidance in a personable, interesting, tell-it-like-it-is way so that these messages can reach more people and be easy to understand.  TODAY: How Media Controls Your View of Your World

Guests: Maureen Becker
May 18/17 Creating Space with Deborah Leigh
3RD Wednesday 2PM PST / 5PM EST STARTING AUGUST 19/15 – CREATING SPACE WITH SHERRY TRENTINI AN NFTS MESSENGER OF LIGHT SINCE JUNE 2015 Sherry’s intention is to help others Create Space,  bring balance and move forward into their lives.  Using a fusion of Law of Attraction Life Coaching & Feng Shui; Grief Recovery and seasoned with good energy, Sherry’s explored many trainings and modalities.  “Engaging what I had learned in my life about Feng Shui and Law of Attraction became critical after the death of my husband, and six months later my Father.  By blending the two it helped me to connect to my core; helped me to keep standing; helped me to maintain a positive and optimistic perspective; helped me to move forward.”  TODAYS TOPIC:  Habits...

Guests: Sherry Trentini
May 18/17 Whole Health Initiative with Dr Holly
The Whole Health Initiative with Dr Holly – May 18/16

Wednesdays at NOON PST  / 3PM EST – The Whole Health Initiative with Dr Holly – BASED IN CANADA – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE MARCH 2014 – Dr. Holly is a Doctor of Natural Medicine, a scientist, a professional speaker, an author of Cancer: Why what you don’t know about your treatment could harm you and 12 other books and a practitioner.  As a Doctor of Natural Medicine with 7 degrees & 3 designations in a wide range of healing modalities and 20 years experience, she can assist you in identifying and understanding your path to health. She can identify your underlying life themes, coping mechanisms, value systems and defense mechanisms to understanding the physiology and biochemistry and energy patterns of your body.  She has a mobile health clinic that comes to your door and can assess 1000s of variables in front of you AND create a protocol unique to you.  In addition, she provides consultation for physicians and clients around the world.

Guests: Dr Holly
May 18/17 Life Transitions with Dr Holly
Life Transitions with Nancy Mae – TODAY: Nancy’s guest is Amy White, Coach & Intuitive
Life Transitions with Nancy Mae – Alternate Wednesdays at 11am PST / 2PM EST beginning Nov. 18, 2015 – Nancy Mae, MA, MS, MIM is a Life Transitions Coach, Energy Practitioner and creator of the Energetic Fertility Method™ (EFM).  She incorporates practical coaching tips, energy healings, and intuitive guidance in her sessions.  Her specialties include intuitive fertility support, EFM, conscious parenting, and programs for healers. Nancy’s training in Clinical and Research Psychology, User Experience Research, Energy Medicine, yoga and meditation informs her work with clients.  She has a caring and integrative approach that explores four levels of being – the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – helping clients obtain optimum health and well being on an energetic basis. TODAY: Nancy’s guest is Amy White, Coach & Intuitive

Guests: Nancy Mae
May 17/16 Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin Ehlke
Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – NFTS – May 17/16

Sacred Sound Surprises with Meilin – Tuesdays at Noon PST / 3PM EST with Medium and Healer Meilin Ehlke BASED IN GERMANY – AN NFTS GLOBAL LUMINARY SINCE NOV. 2014  – Meilin Ehlke, world-renowned artist and healer, guides visionaries and thought leaders from around the world to bloom into their beauty. For ten years, she has helped others to feel whole, rejuvenated, and empowered to seek their chosen path in happiness and truth. Because of Meilin’s ability to facilitate physical change into an expanded state, her clients feel receptive to what is offered and sustained by their specific universal wisdom. Her astounding ability to connect with the source wisdom is what helps others flourish into their true-selves. Her healer side loves to live in the moment, embracing the surprises on her adventures through life. It is in the unfolding mystery of each day where Meilin embodies herself fully – expanded into divine essence.

Guests: Meilin
Older »

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Because the News for the Soul platform is all about self empowerment and responsibility, please note that the opinions expressed on any of these programs are those of the hosts and participants and are not intended to and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of News for the Soul or Enlightened Enterprises or any of its owners and agents. All listeners are advised that neither News for the Soul, nor its owners and agents shall be held liable for the content of programs, including any readings or advice that is given. All listeners are advised to make their own good choices that are right for them and take full responsibility for those choices and decisions.